New home and back to Hogwarts

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Rigel currently found himself relaxing on a bed, reading a book about curses. He was currently at the leaky cauldron, a place where he had been living for the past few weeks. In exchange for room service, Rigel had offered work and Tom agreed to set him off as a waiter and sometimes as a dishwasher. Rigel didn't mind, he liked to earn his own.

"Rigel!" He heard Tom call. "Work starts in an hour, be ready."

"You got it!" Rigel shouted before returning to his book. After an hour, he wore his work robes and climbed down.

"Here you go," Rigel said as he placed a plate on the table. "I hope you enjoy it." He said, to the familiar couple sitting at the table. 

"Thank you, Mr. Black," The woman smiled. "most people you're age wouldn't consider getting a job."

"Well, jobs a job, and money's money." Rigel shrugged. "Besides it gives me something to do."

"Hmm," The man nodded approvingly. "that is a brilliant attitude to have. More kids should be like you."

"I think people should be like themselves," Rigel replied. "if everyone was like me then life would get boring. I'll go and let you enjoy your dinner, just give us a call if you need anything." Rigel smiled before walking off.

"Hey excuse me, I'm finished." One person said as he gestured to his plates and drinks.

"Alright coming," Rigel said as he came over and picked them up.

"Thanks, kid." The man nodded.

"No problem, if you want to leave me a tip then leave it in the jar up front," he said before he walked back to the bar and handed the plate and drink to Tom.

"Thanks, Rigel," Tom said as he took them from Harry.

"No problem Tom," Rigel replied. "Hey, can I take a day off? My friends are coming and I haven't seen them for a while."

"Take the day off." Tom nodded. "Oh and here's your month's salary," he said handing Rigel a full pouch. "I suggest you save half of it. The rest you put it in your Gringotts account."

"Thanks for the advice." Rigel smiled at his boss. He walked up to his room, removed his robes, exchanged them with slightly posher ones (which also had his family crest on), and left the pub.

First, he decided to go to Gringotts to transfer half of his salary to his personal vault. It was different because his personal only had the salary he makes and a few photos of his family that he managed to salvage from the ancestral homes he owned.

After leaving Gringotts, he met two familiar twins.

"Harry! Eliza!" Rigel grinned hugging his two best friends. "Alright, can you tell me what I did wrong for not getting a reply back?"

After that, they met the Weasley family where Rigel was introduced to Arthur Weasley. Apparently, his mother was Black so the man was more like his first cousin twice removed. He had met several distant family members. His favorite was the Tonks. Andromeda Tonks who was in fact a Black and was disowned for marrying Ted Tonks a muggle-born and they had a daughter Nymphadora Tonks who was his second cousin and like her was also a metamorphagus (much to both of their delight) though but while Rigel preferred to keep his abilities a secret (Something that Andromeda approved) while Dora (She hates her name) preferred to use the gift liberally. (Something that Andromeda didn't approve). But he did get along with the family and visited their home for Sunday brunches.

Once everyone collected their money, the five friends went to Flourish and Blotts to buy our books. A long line wound right to the back of the shop, where Gilderoy Lockhart was signing his books. Everyone loves him; no matter their age, ladies fall at his feet. 

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