Christmas and date night

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"Harry, dear, are you sure you're all right?" said Mrs. Weasley in a worried voice, as they walked around the unkempt patch of grass in the middle of Grimmauld Place. "You look ever so pale ... are you sure you slept this morning? You go upstairs to bed right now and you can have a couple of hours of sleep before dinner, all right?"

Harry nodded, not saying much. And right after Mrs. Weasley opened the front door, Harry bottled upstairs and into Ron's bedroom, leaving Rigel, his sister, and the rest of the Weasleys downstairs.

"Alright, what did you hear from the extendable ears?" Rigel asked straight to the point. All the Weasley's looked slightly uncomfortable now.

Ron spoke up. "We heard you lot talking about Harry's connection with You-Know-Who, and the bit about Mad-Eye sating Harry's possessed—"

Eliza paled and Rigel cursed. "Of course, Mad-Eye would've thought of that-"

"Hang on you knew!" Ginny said accusingly.

"No, and If I did I would have told you," Rigel said slightly offended. "It's just a theory everyone had but personally dad and I think that Harry and Voldemort have some sort of-"

From down below, there was the sound of a door opening and closing.

"And that'll be my cue," Rigel muttered, leaving Ron and jogging down the hallway. He met Remus at the painting and the two worked together to shut the curtain. The woman won't make any noise, but her face was bloody annoying.

Once she had been subdued, Rigel turned to look at the source of the disruption. Standing in the entrance, pink-faced from the cold, was Hermione.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were skiing?" Rigel said hugging the girl he considered a sister.

"Don't tell Ron, but skiing really isn't my thing. So I thought I might come here and spend Christmas with your family" she said with a bright smile. "Where is Harry, anyway?"

"Harry locked up in his room ever since we got back from the hospital. He hasn't really talked to anyone. I'll take you up there, he might want to talk you." Rigel said and took her hand before heading to the room and Harry, Eliza, and Ron were sharing while they stayed here.

Without even bothering to knock they entered the room and found him sitting on the bed.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"My parents let me come here. It's not important. We need to talk" she said briskly.

"I'll leave you lot alone. Need to go do some stuff." Rigel said. He hurried down the stairs, almost tripping several times his feet landed on the first floor and Rigel ran into the kitchen to meet Mrs. Weasley.

"Just the women I need!" Rigel yelled before dragging a confused and slightly amused Mrs. Weasley to an empty room.

So, a few hours later Rigel dressed himself up in semi-formal attire robes. He knocks on Eliza's room and knocks on the door. In an instant, she opened the door. and her face showed surprise.

"What . . .?" she trails off.

"I was wondering if you would join me tonight for dinner. Just the two of us." Rigel told her with a soft smile. She looked at him with wide eyes before a wide grin broke into her face and she nodded.

"Give me ten minutes"

As Rigel stood outside her room he heard a lot of noises coming from inside, Rigel could only imagine things being thrown around, Eliza running all around the place huffing in frustration when she couldn't find what she wanted and sighing in relief when she finally discovered its location.

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