The second war begins

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"Mind if I sit?" the only response Eliza got was a shift in the pile of blankets.

"How are you feeling?"

The pile of blankets shifted up and Rigel sat, the duvet falling behind him. He looked slightly thinner, his skin was pale and there were dark bags under his red-rimmed eyes. Despite the glint of unshed tears hiding in them, he felt that he wasn't able to cry anymore.

"I-I don't know." Rigel choked. The first words he spoke in days. "Angry. Sad. Guilty. Maybe it was my fault that dad's dead."

"It wasn't your fault," Eliza said sharply.

"I jeered Bellatrix into killing me," Rigel said bitterly. "Obviously, she would've wanted revenge and it was my fault." 

"No, it was Narcissa and Bellatrix." Eliza said as Rigel looked up almost sharply. "Rigel Kreacher may respect you but he held no love for Sirius. Remember when Sirius told him to get out, he literally went and guess where."

"Bellatrix and Narcissa place." Rigel growled. "Of course."

He had forgotten that though Kreacher was bound to Sirius (now to him), he can still be called by Black family members. And the only ones who respected Kreacher other than Regulus Black was Narcissa, Sirius's cousin. 

"Good that I haven't made him a secret keeper," Rigel said burying his face into his palms. "But I don't blame him."

"What?" Eliza blinked looking at Rigel as if he had grown a second head.

"Kreacher is what he has been made by wizards, Eliza." Rigel signed though It will take some time to digest. He doubt the elf could look him in the eye. "He wasn't treated like Dobby thank Merlin, but... he didn't like following dad's orders. I should've seen the signs earlier." 

 Rigel exhaled. "Does it hurt?"

"What hurts?"

"Knowing how it happened," Rigel said. "Does it hurt?"

It took a moment for Eliza to answer.

"It does Rigel but I've carried that pain for nearly fifteen years and it hasn't gone away yet, I doubt it ever will," said Eliza regretfully before standing up.

"...and finally Mr. Black, for a bonus point, I hear that you're specialty is animation charms ."

Rigel smiled slightly and nodded, the examiner waved his wand and he gave him a chair.

Rigel destroyed the chair and with a wave of his wand conjured the broken pieces into a mini size dragon. The examiner gasped in surprise.

"Ah bravo! Excellent Mr. Black, I shall take this with me if you don't mind. The examination is now over, have a marvelous day."

Rigel nodded and left the room almost colliding with Eliza who was waiting on the other side of the door.

"How did it go? It was ok, wasn't it? Because if you're not feeling up to it I'm sure they could..."

"He did wonderfully Miss Potter, good day to you both." Said the examiner as he left the room carrying the dragon. Rigel pulled Eliza into a hug and then lifted her off her feet and spun her around though he slightly winced.


"Sorry, I forgot..." His body had been badly aching due to the number of times he was hit by the cruciatus. He and Eliza separated with him going to the Gryffindor common room and Eliza and Harry to the Headmaster's office where Dumbledore would tell them the prophecy.

After the train finally stopped and they passed the barrier and exited platform 9 3/4, they came upon Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Moody, the Tonks family, and Remus, standing there and waiting for them. Tonks saw Rigel and hugged him. His entire body protested but he had never cared less.

"Hey, Ri," Tonks whispered.

"Hey, Dora," Rigel whispered back.

"Oh, Rigel." Andromeda pulled him into a hug. "It'll be alright."

Rigel didn't say anything. He just melted in her arms.

"I didn't expect . . . what are you all doing here?" Harry asked suprised.

"Well, we thought we might have a little chat with your aunt and uncle before letting them take you home." Said Remus with a slight smile.

The smiles faded from both the Potter's faces.

"I dunno if that's a good idea." Said an alarmed Harry.

"Oh, I think it is, that'll be them will it Potter?" Asked Moody looking quite terrifying.

The group moved over to the Dursley's and Rigel held Eliza's hand tightly.

"Good afternoon. You might remember me, my name's Arthur Weasley. We thought we'd just have a few words with you about Harry and Eliza." Said Mr. Weasley in a perfectly pleasant manner. Uncle Vernon looked furious and Aunt Petunia looked as if she might faint.

"Yeah, about how they're treated at your place." Said Moody moving into greater prominence.

"I am not aware that it is any of your business what goes on in my house..."

"Or shed, no doubt." Added Remus looking menacing.

"I expect what you're not aware of would fill several books, Dursley," Mad-Eye growled, Eliza heard Ron try to contain a snigger behind her.

"Anyway, that's not the point." Added Tonks, whose hair was the brightest pink Rigel had ever seen. "The point is if we find out you've been horrible to them-"

"-And make no mistake, we'll hear about it."

"Yes, even if you won't let Harry use the felly-tone..." Added Mr. Weasley.

"Telephone." Corrected Hermione automatically.

"Yeah, well if we get any hint that they're being mistreated in any way, you'll have us to answer to." Said Moody.

"Are you threatening me, sir?" Yelled Uncle Vernon loudly.

"No fat arse they're complimenting you! Of course, they're threatening you, you idiots!" Tonks retorted.

"So, Potter's...give us a shout if you need us. If we don't hear from you for three days in a row, we'll send someone along..." Harry nodded and Rigel pulled Eliza slightly away from the group.

"We'll get you out of there soon, Eliza. As soon as possible."

"I know, don't worry we'll be fine. I'll miss you so much though."

"I've got so much planned for when we get you out of there, we can walk..."

Eliza put her finger on Rigel's mouth silencing him.

"Don't tell me yet, keep it a surprise."

"I thought you hated surprises?"

"Not always, not with you. Just stay out of trouble."

"You're telling me to stay out of trouble, Miss I-can't-go-more-than-a-few-weeks-without-seeing-Madam-Pomfrey, Miss mini prongs. I mean seriously Eliza if I didn't know you loved me I'd start getting jealous!"

"I do love you though," Eliza said with a giggle.

"Not as much as I love you, now you better go Harry's giving me evils." Eliza laughed and walked over to the Dursleys and left Rigel with the Order, for now.

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