Death of a loved one

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There is no expiration date on the love between a father and his child- Jennifer Williamson

"I am Dolores Umbridge!" she shrieked in a terrified voice. "Senior Undersecretary to the Minister of Magic and Headmistress and -"

She cut off abruptly into a loud scream that was drowned out by an even louder roar. A large panther pounced out from the trees, paws outstretched as he knocked her to the ground, her wand flying from her hand. The panther pinned her there, enjoying the sight of her struggling and screaming for help, looking wildly around her as she looked for any assistance to come.

"oh, how the tables have turned," Bast thought. 

"Potter!" she shouted, looking at the teens behind the lion. "Granger! Please! Save me!"

She gave another terrified scream as the panthers were mere inches from her face baring their sharp teeth and sending flecks of saliva and blood over her face. He stared at her with an intense feeling of satisfaction before he turned his head to his left, eyeing the centaurs that all stood with their bows pointed at him.

He stepped off Umbridge, grabbed her wand off the ground in his jaws, and chewed it before spitting it out. 

Umbridge gave a loud wail of despair, cutting off abruptly when the panther turned back to her and roared loudly. She whimpered on the ground, terrified as the panther stalked toward her.

He snapped at her idly before approaching the two teens and standing in front of them. Harry and Hermione stared at him with a mixture of awe and relief before the panther laid down, allowing them to clamber onto his back. He rose to his paws, giving the centaurs a nod and releasing another roar at Umbridge before he took off through the trees in the direction of the castle. When they were some distance away from Umbridge and the centaurs, Harry finally spoke.

"Rigel," he said, voice full of nerves and worry. "We have to get to the Department of Mysteries – Voldemort's got Sirius!"

"I've heard that name"

The panther stopped abruptly, almost sending Harry and Hermione toppling from his back. He turned his head to face the two, eyes alight in intrigue, fear, worry, and anger. He flicked his ear, waiting for an explanation.

"I had a vision – Voldemort's torturing Sirius for the prophecy!" Harry told him swiftly. "I tried firecalling from Grimmauld place, but Kreacher said he wasn't there! Remus didn't come when I called either! We have to hurry and save Sirius!"

"We need to get back up to the castle!" Hermione argued.

"By the time we've done that, Sirius'll probably be dead!" Harry shot back.

"Well, we can't do anything without wands," said Hermione hopelessly. "Anyway, Harry, how exactly were you planning to get all the way to London?"

"Yeah, we were just wondering that," said a familiar voice from just up ahead.

Ron came into sight, with Ginny, Neville, Eliza and Luna hurrying along behind him. All of them looked a little the worse for wear — several long scratches were running the length of Ginny's cheek, a large purple lump was swelling above Neville's right eye, Ron's lip was bleeding and Eliza looked as though his nose had been broken — but all were looking rather pleased with themselves.

Neville and Ginny stared apprehensively at the panther as Harry and Hermione clambered off him. Eliza walked right up to the panther and stroked his face, receiving a low, rumbling purr in response.

"He missed her touch"

"Hello, Ri you clever boy." Eliza smiled scratching the panther's chin. 

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