diagon alley and Slug club

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"Elizabeth Lily Potter!"

Eliza heard her name being yelled but was so comfortable that she merely snuggled further into the pillow.

"Come on Eliza, I'm carrying a heavy breakfast tray here!" Rigel's voice was full of laughter.

"It's too early..." Eliza muttered.

"It's nearly ten, sleepyhead, and I would like to give you your birthday snog before Mrs. Weasley charges up here and tries to put me on the corner for a whole eighteen minutes!"

"Like you could stay anywhere for eighteen minutes." Eliza scoffed opening her eyes at last.

"I'd happily stay with you for a lot longer than eighteen minutes, now sit up so I can put this down."

Eliza obliged and was delighted to see a vase of tulips perched on the corner of the tray. Rigel placed the tray across Eliza's lap and sat down.

"Happy birthday, Eliza." He whispered pulling her into a kiss, they broke apart after a few minutes when they heard footsteps approaching the door.

"Happy birthday, Eliza!" Said Harry looking quite relieved not to have walked in on any kind of kiss.

"Happy birthday Harry, you're up early" Harry sat down on Eliza's other side and examined the tulips with apparent interest.

"Pig woke us up. Now, I haven't got you a present yet because we haven't been anywhere but we can get them in Diagon Alley right?"

"Of course, I haven't got yours yet either."

Eliza's eyes followed him with a frown but she did not comment. Harry had already started on the toast and within a few minutes, the tray was cleared. Eliza put the flowers on the bedside table and made to get out of bed, her legs were apparently not ready for her to stand and she crashed straight into the floor.

Rigel and Harry moved around to help her up looking like they were trying not to laugh.

"Thanks, and don't you dare laugh or tell..."

"Eliza, are you ok?" Asked Mr. Weasley poking his head around the door.

"I'm fine thanks, Mr. Weasley, just tripped" Mr. Weasley looked suspicious but nodded and left the room.

"Anyway, I brought you something," Harry said, putting his hand in his pocket and pulling out a folded piece of parchment. "I thought it was about time I drew the cake. Eight candles each?"

"I'll leave you two to your moment" Rigel winked and left the room

"Good morning Eliza, Happy Birthday!" Cried Mrs. Weasley rushing over to Eliza and hugging her, birthday greetings echoed around the kitchen and Eliza smiled in thanks.

"Tea?" Asked Mrs. Weasley, Eliza nodded and took a seat next to Hermione.

The twin's birthday would've been a bit more upbeat had it not been for the stories of disappearances, odd accidents, even of deaths now appearing almost daily in the Prophet. Sometimes Bill and Mr. Weasley brought home news before it even reached the paper. the twin's sixteenth birthday celebrations were marred by grisly tidings brought to the party by Remus Lupin Remus who was looking gaunt and grim, his brown hair streaked liberally with gray, his clothes more ragged and patched than ever.

"There have been another couple of dementor attacks," Remus said as Mrs. Weasley passed him a large slice of birthday cake. "And they've found Igor Karkaroff's body — well, frankly, I'm surprised he stayed alive for even a year after deserting the Death Eaters; Sirius's brother, Regulus, only managed a few days as far as I can remember."

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