Quidditch finale

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Saturday finally arrived with the taunting chant from Slytherin when they heard the news Rigel would be the Seeker for Gryffindor and much anger now erupted from Gryffindor. But for whatever the reason is, Rigel walked down the Quidditch pitch as Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. He strolled down the field with Ron, Eliza, and Hermione, who talking constantly to cheer him up and to block the unpleasant chant from Slytherin. 

Rigel entered the locker room along with Ron and Ginny. Eliza and Katie were already there with the team Beater, Coote and Peakes, sitting on the bench, using their bat and tapping on the ground. Rigel quickly put on his scarlet robes, checking his boots one last time, and pick up Firebolt, carrying it on his shoulder along the way. Before heading out to the field, Rigel said one last thing to the whole team; "Let's make Harry proud." The Captain received agreement from everyone

Rigel walked out onto the pitch to a roaring and booing, both of which came from Gryffindor because of sheer anger. Along with Slytherin shouting and booing, it seemed that they were against all odds.

"Oh dear," Luna said from the commentator's podium. "It seemed that no one likes Rigel being the team captain. No worry Rigel, I'll cheer for you."

A smile appeared on Rigel's face because against all odds, he still has his friend. And Rigel was sure that somewhere in the crowd, Hermione also cheering for him. Rigel stepped up to Madam Hooch, the referee, who was ready to release the balls from the crate.

"Captain shake hands," she said, Rigel and Cho Chang shook hands. "Mount your broom. On the whistle... three... two... one..."

Rigel kicked off hard and he was away. Rigel burst upward, leaving the field for the Chasers and to have a better view of the grounds as he looked around for the Snitch. But soon enough, the Ravenclaw Chaser has the Quaffle and was heading toward Ron. The Ravenclaw chaser Jackson passed the Quaffle to Harper, with Chamber staying back, they had scored first, leading the game. But with a quick response from Ginny, they leveled.

Cho Chang was hovering on the air along with Rigel, looking for the Snitch as their teammates keep scoring and defending constantly, saves were made by both Keepers, and Chasers from both teams scored. Rigel had to dodge the Bludger a few times as the Ravenclaw beater keep knocking the ball toward him. It was getting annoying at this point.

"Ravenclaw scored again," said Luna dreamily. "It is seventy-fifty for Ravenclaw."

But then Cho Chang immediately zoomed forward, and Rigel hurried behind. They were behind, and if Cho catch the Snitch now, they would lose. Rigel noted the Snitch was speeding along high above them, glinting against the clear blue sky as the two keepers raced to get it. But Rigel could not catch it just yet, so instead, he sped up and leaned against Cho, steering away from the Snitch and letting it lose from their sight once again.

"Quite a clever Rigel, steer away from the Snitch and keep the Gryffindor fighting chance alive," Luna cheered happily from the podium as the game continued.

For the next half hour, the Gryffindor team finally take the lead with Dean scoring the goal, making it one hundred to eighty for Gryffindor. And from then, they were on a roll, with Eliza and Ginny constantly scoring goals, passing to each other, three fourth of the goals coming from the girls; Coote and Peakes blocking and retrieving Quaffle for the Chaser by knocking the Quaffle out of Ravenclaw's chaser grip by fear of the Bludger coming their way; and Ron, blocking every shot coming from their opponent team, saves after saves after saves.

"It's two hundred and ninety to one hundred and forty for Gryffindor," cried Luna, who seemed to be very focused on the game.

But that was when Rigel saw a glint of gold far below them. It was hovering on the ground, zigzagged on the ground, as it was toying with the Seekers. Rigel dived down, he pushed his body close to the broom to avoid any unnecessary blockage. Cho Chang was right behind Rigel as he dived.

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