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"NO!" Rigel yelled clutching Eliza's lifeless body. "No Eliza please-"

"I am so sick of your goddamn excuses," a voice he hadn't heard a long time spoke.

In the light of his darkened dorm, Rigel could see the grey eyes of his father. Though, now his handsome face was marred with gashes.

"This is your fault!" his father growled pointing to the bed that was not there before.

There, lying on his bed, was Harry's lifeless body. There was a slash along his throat, his emerald eyes were lifeless. Blood tainted his school robes, splattered against the wall, dripping onto the bed.

"No no no...." he ran towards Harry but was stopped when someone grabbed his arm.

"You could've saved them!" Sirius hissed pointing to a body and Rigel yelled

Hermione. She was screaming in, agony begging for someone to kill her. Ron was already dead missing his head.

"Why help her now? It's too late. He's down there because of you. It's your fault," Sirius snarled.

"I have—I've got to help her. I swear I didn't do anything—" Rigel pleaded.

"You're right, you didn't do anything," Sirius glowered gripping his throat tightly. "You didn't save Eliza. You weren't strong enough. You failed her. You failed Ron, Harry, and Hermione. You could've done something, but you didn't. You weren't powerful enough."

"Dad, please, I just—" stuttered Rigel, tears streaming down his face.

"Look at the blood on your hands. Look at Eliza," his dad commanded.

Eliza was still standing in his dorm, a hand placed over her wound. But she was paler than before, swaying slightly on her feet. The hand covering her gash was being flooded by blood, dripping through the cracks in her fingers.

"Why didn't you save me, Ri? After everything, I did for you," Eliza accused

Rigel could taste his tears as he cried. Eliza, too, was crying; but it was red. She was crying blood. She didn't look sad, or angry. She looked betrayed. That was so much worse.

"You're just like your family, Rigel. You betray those closest to you. Do you even really care about us? Or are you just like him that way as well?" demanded Eliza, standing behind her.


"Look at me!" Eliza yelled. She grasped his shoulder, Her nails digging into his skin. She spun him around to face her, though she didn't remove his grip. "Watch me as I die. Watch me as I die because of you."

There had not been an injury there before, but now there was a long gash over Eliza's chest. Blood drenched through his clothes, pouring out of his wound at an alarming rate. Blood began to come out of her mouth, nose, ears, but she just stared at him.

"I'm sorry." Rigel sobbed. "I'm sorry.

"Rigel!" someone yelled before a hand collided with his face.

He bolted upright from his bed, his hand instinctively going to his face. Rigel looked around the room to see his Andromeda's concerned face.

"Did you just slap me?"Andromeda asked incredously

"Yes I did because you had another nightmare," Tonk's said softly. "Who was it this time?"

Since the department of mysteries incident and his father's death, Rigel had been getting recurring nightmares of all the people he loved. His first one was Sirius being tortured, Tonks being raped by Voldemort and his friends under the cruciatus curse.

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