Quidditch world cup

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Rigel Black woke up with a jaw-breaking yawn and took time contemplating his surroundings.

Unlike the twelve years before, the bedroom was not in Mrs. Doods Boys' home nor the leaky cauldron. For one, the room was considerably larger. There was a large desk in one corner, with a number of books, bits of parchment, and empty ink wells strew across its surface. In another corner, was a large truck, with flowing robes spilling out from the inside. Propped up against the wall behind him were two beautiful broomsticks. One he bought for himself and the other a gift from his father (Tonks was so jealous). To his left, was an enormous dresser and a large mirror. On the nightstand beside his bed, were three photographs. The first was of a man and a woman, Rigel's parents, they were smiling up at the frame and laughing. The second photograph had his best friends and the third had the entire Tonks family on the front steps of a modest cottage.

Rigel was a thin yet slightly muscular-looking boy of fourteen who stared back at him. He was healthier than he had been previously having access to proper and consistent nourishment and exercise was finally starting to take effect, as He had put on some weight, making him look a far sight better than the twiggy-looking boy he had been. His black hair that was once in a buzzcut was now longer and slightly shaggy. His bright grey eyes were staring back at him.

Rigel strode over to the window and thrust it open. A cool summer breeze washed over his face, and he stared out into the darkness, just making out the shapes of the dark trees of the forest behind the house. The Tonk's lived at the edge of the forest of Dean in a cottage that was once owned by Andromeda's uncle Alphard but she had inherited it after his death. It was warm, comfortable, and truly felt like home. 

Rigel walked over to his desk and sat down. There were several letters stacked on top of the nearest book, and he pulled the letters towards him. They were messages from his friends. Harry and Eliza had devotedly written him weekly and he had responded to their scars hurting. His aunt Andromeda was a fully qualified healer but even she was baffled at the thought of the twin's scar stinging.  

There were even a few letters from his godfather Remus and his own father Sirius.

Why his father was absent in his life. Because he had been in Azkaban for twelve years framed by Peter Pettigrew and the only people who believed them were Dumbledore and surprisingly Snape.

For one glorious hour, Rigel had believed that he had a proper home with a parent because Sirius had offered him a home once hisname had been cleared. But the chance had been snatched awayfrom him — Wormtail had escaped before they could take him tothe Ministry of Magic, and Sirius had had to flee for his life. Harry, Eliza, and Hermione had helped him escape on the back of a hippogriff called Buckbeak,and since then, Sirius had been on the run through Rigel had a sneaky suspicion that he was with his grandmother Melania Macmillan who lived in the ancestral home in France. 

He hadn't gotten many letters only two so far not delivered by owls but by a large, brightly colored tropical bird that Andromeda recognized as a breed from France. Melana Macmillan, his great grandmother had written him that Sirius was safe in France and the two sounded cheerful and they reminded him that he can write to them whenever he wanted. 

Professor McGongall wrote a few times and visited him to hand him his transfiguration O.W.L where he passed with an O+ (Is that even a grade?) Andromeda had been proud but McGonagall's praises from her letter made Rigel smile. He would've been disappointed with himself if he got less than an O in transfiguration.

Around the Potter's birthday, Ron's father had managed to secure tickets to the Quidditch World Cup. It was happening the following week, and England had managed to secure the prestige of hosting the event. Andromeda had also secured tickets because she ended up fixing up Ludo Bagman's brother Otto who had lost his fingers from a magically enhanced lawnmower and the man gave them tickets. But he was going to spend the summer before the world cup with the Weasley's at the burrow where the Potter's were also spending at. 

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