It's going to be alright

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"I dont have a good feeling about this," Rigel said shaking his head.

"Rigel doesn't worry," Remus said reassuringly. There was a small pop. "Hey, the champions are here-"

The moment his girlfriend landed along with Harry and Cedric he breathed out in relief, but he noticed a few things.

Cedric was dead, the twins were sobbing and Eliza's clothes were ripped as if someone had tried to remove them aggressively, she was a bleeding mess with bruises and cuts everyone and he could see a few bruises on her throat.

"No," he whispered and he was the first to run towards the trio. "ELIZA!"

He ran towards her and she broke down hugging clutching Rigel like a lifeline.

"Rigel!" she let out a heart-wrenching sob that broke Rigel's heart. "Cedric I'm sorry! They k-kill-killed-"

"It's alright..." Rigel whispered, tears brimming out from his own. "I'll help you, sweetie. I Promise. But what happened?"

"He's back...Voldemort's back...Cedric's dead and Harry's hurt and I..."

"It's ok, Eliza, you're safe," Dumbledore said calmly. Eliza let go of Rigel and tried to pull herself into a sitting position but her body protested and she gasped at the pain.

"Harry..." Gasped Eliza, relief flooded her and Professor McGonagall moved to help Harry sit up.

"Eliza, how did we..." Harry stopped talking as the anguished cry of Amos Diggory filled the air, Eliza shuffled away from Cedric's body and managed to turn on her back.

Professor Dumbledore walked back over to the twins.

"Harry, Eliza stays there." He said before walking over to the grieving father, Mrs. Diggory looked like she might pass out.

"I'll go and get Madam Pomfrey." Said Professor McGonagall, standing up and moving away.

"Come on, Eliza, this isn't where you need to be, let's get you inside." Professor Moody walked towards Eliza, the young witch shot sparks again without meaning to.

"Dumbledore said to stay." Said Harry vaguely, tears running down his face.

"She needs to be inside, Potter, she might hurt someone with those sparks, you stay here and wait for Pomfrey." Harry nodded, still looking at Cedric, and Eliza managed to stand. She started to walk independently but ended up leaning heavily on Professor Moody. By the time they reached the castle, he was carrying her.

In his office, he lowered her into a chair and gave her a potion, she drank it without question, grateful to be away from the crowds and somewhere quiet.

"What happened, Potter?"

"Voldemort's back," Eliza said simply, the potion had made her feel queasy.

"And what should I do with you, Miss Potter?" Eliza looked up at Moody confused; his face suddenly looked menacing.

"The Dark Lord said I can have a turn on you, your blood runs in his vein." Moody moved towards Eliza and more sparks shot out of her wand, she stood up and backed into the corner of the room, he sent a spell at her forcing her to fall, she fell on her back, banging her head. She could see him coming towards her. Eliza closed her eyes wanting it all to be over, praying to be dead.

She felt the weight of him on top of her and she became rigid with fear. Sparks were flying out of her wand but he was ignoring the scorch marks they left on his clothes.

A bang filled the room and Eliza saw the door fly off his hinges, Moody's weight was lifted off her and she pulled herself tighter into the corner, ignoring the protests of her various injuries, she held her wand firmly in her shaking hand.

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