Half blood prince

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"He was obviously trying to show off." Ron said after Harry told them what he had overheard Malfoy say.  

"I doubt it." Rigel shook his head. "That's a big lie to tell."

"Exactly," said Harry, but he could not press the point,because so many people were trying to listen in to hisconversation

"It's rude to point," Ron snapped at a first-year boy, who had been muttering something about Harry to his friend.

The boy, who had been mutteringsomething about Harry behind his hand to his friend,promptly turned scarlet and toppled out of the hole in alarm.Ron sniggered

"I love being a sixth year," Ron went on. "And we're going to be getting free time this year. Whole periods when we can just sit up here and relax."

We're going to need that time for studying, Ron!" saidHermione, as they set off down the corridor. 

"Yeah, but not today," said Ron. "Today's going to be a realdoss,I reckon." 

"Hold it!" Rigel said haltinga passing fourth year, who was attempting to push past him with a lime-green disk clutched tightly in his hand. "FangedFrisbees are banned, hand it over," he told him sternly.

The scowling boy handed it over, ducked under her arm, and took off after his friends. Ron waited for him to vanish, then tugged the Frisbee from Rigel's grip.


"Excellent, I've always wanted one of these."  

Hermione opened her mouth to retort, but it was drowned by Lavender Brown who giggled at Ron's remark as she passed by.

The ceiling of the Great Hall was serenely blue andstreaked with frail, wispy clouds, just like the squares of skyvisible through the high mullioned windows. While theytucked into porridge and eggs and bacon, Harry and Rontold Hermione, Rigel and Eliza about their embarrassing conversation withHagrid the previous evening. 

"But he can't really think we'd continue Care of Magical Creatures!" she said, looking distressed. "I mean, when has any of us expressed...you know...any enthusiasm?"

"That's it, though, innit?" said Ron, swallowing an entire fried egg whole. "We were the ones who made the most effort in classes because we like Hagrid. But he thinks we liked the stupid subject. D'ya reckon anyone's going to go on to N.E.W.T.?"

"I'm taking it," Rigel shrugged. "Just thought it would be useful."

But they still avoided Hagrid's eye and returned his cheery wave only half-heartedly when he left the staff table ten minutes later.

Rigel was the first Gryffindor and it didn't take much time as he was cleared for Charms, Care of magical creatures, Defence against the Dark Arts, Herbology and Potions. and he had to go every Monday and Friday afternoons for Advanced Transfiguration. 

After breakfast, Hermione went to her first class, but Rigel returned to the common room with Harry, Eliza and Ron as all four of them had a free period that morning.

An hour later they reluctantly left the sunlit common roomfor the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom four floorsbelow. Hermione was already queuing outside, carrying anarmful of heavy books and looking put-upon

"We got so much homework for Runes," she saidanxiously, when they joined her. "A fifteen-inchessay, two translations, and I've got to read these byWednesday!" 

"Shame," yawned Ron. 

"Be nice!" Eliza slapped his arm. 

"You wait," Hermione said resentfully. "I bet Snape gives usloads." 

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