Sleeping draught

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Rigel lost count of how many times he had vomited.

The nightmares had started when he woke up; he told his friends that he'd be fine to sleep alone, and the horrid dreams had started.

Now, back at Hogwarts, the nightmares still persisted. Most days now started with his head bowed over the toilet bowl long before the sun rose as he threw up his stomachs contents from the night before.

Each night, he would feel that pain all over again. Each morning, he awoke with the memory of pain, just like he had when he had been kidnapped. It was as if he never truly escaped.

It hadn't affected his school work but it had affected him with appration. the sixth year had apparition lessons and the moment they ended, Rigel would rush towards the nearest bathroom and puke his guts out.

"Hey," Ron said as he git out of the bathroom from another puking session. It seems that the other boys were fast asleep.

"How long did you know?" Rigel croaked.

"For a while," Ron said softly.

"Do"—he coughed—"do the others know?"

Ron shook his head. Rigel nodded. Nausea had begun to subside, his stomach runs dry and raw, but he still didn't feel any better.

He wished instead that he would rather face a bludger than this type of pain. A least the bludger was temporary.

There had been another lesson with Dumbledore and the twins told him that during Voldemort's time at Hogwart, he had gathered a mixture of friends who became the forerunners of the Death Eaters and researched his family. He first investigated his father, and later assumed the name Lord Voldemort upon discovering his father was a Muggle and never attended Hogwarts. They then go into Morfin Gaunt's memory, where he reveals to his nephew, Voldemort how he was conceived. After hearing this, Voldemort went on to murder his Muggle ancestors, taking revenge on them for abandoning him, eliminating the last of the "unworthy" Riddle line, stealing Morfin's father's ring, and implanted false memories into Morfin, framing him for the murders.

In the next memory, Voldemort asks Slughorn about Horcruxes, which results in Slughorn yelling that he knows nothing about them. Dumbledore is confident that the memory has been tampered with, however, noting patches of grey fog that came up when Slughorn was shouting and asks Harry and Eliza to retrieve the true memory.

Then every night, his nightmares would start anew. It always began the same way; Bellatrix Lestrange and Narcissa Malfoy arguing as he awoke in the room; her demanding to be set free; Lestrange raising his wand; the pain beginning.

But then he would stop minutes later, and sometimes it wouldn't be Lestrane torturing him and demanding answers, it would sometimes shift from Dolohov to the dark lord himself and to Fenrir Greyback, his worst one. 

The worst dreams were when Kiara Sayre was his savior; when she storms into the room furious; when she unchains him and whispers into his hair that you're okay and mummy's here and I'm so sorry and I promise I'll protect you, just tell me everything okay? And he does. He misses her so much he just breaks and when he wakes up, she's gone. He doesn't wake up screaming but with a gasp and covers his face knowing that it has been over a decade since his mother held him.  

"Have you gone to Madam Pomfrey for a sleeping draught?" Ron asked.

"Sleeping what?" Rigel asked as if he never knew what a sleeping draught was.

"You know, the potion that makes you fall instantaneously into a dreamless sleep?" Ron explained slowly.

"Oh," he blinked owlishly. "I forgot that was a thing."

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