The war

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Eliza's doe and Rigel's grim were the had come out of their wands several times. Fred and George also set off their magpies to their family much to Rigel and Eliza's protests.

"Oh please." Fred or George rolled his eyes. "Mum'll blow a fuse if we don't tell her about a war."

After some while, Ron and Hermione suddenly said that they were leaving, asking them to tell Harry that they were going to the bathroom on the second floor.

"The chamber of secrets?" Rigel asked.

"Possibly." Eliza shrugged. 

After a short while, many others started showing up; from Kingsley, Remus, Oliver Wood, Katie Bell, Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Lee Jordan, Bill and Fleur, and eventually Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

But chaos fell upon them all as the door to the Room of Requirements opened once more and Harry walked inside, looking bewildered at the number of people present.

"Did you hear it?" he asked Eliza and Rigel who shook their heads.

"Harry, what's happening?" said Remus, meeting him at the foot of the stairs.

 "Voldemort's on his way, they're barricading the school---Snape's run for it---What are you doing here? How did you know? 

"We sent messages to the rest of Dumbledore's Army," Fred explained."You couldn't expect everyone to miss the fun, Harry, and Rigel let the Order of the Phoenix know, and it all kind of snowballed." 

What first, Harry?" called George. "What's going on?" 

"They're evacuating the younger kids and everyone's meeting in the Great Hall to get organized," Harry said. "We're fighting." 

"Of course we are." Rigel signed

There was a great roar and a surge toward the door as everyone took out their wands and stepped outside the Room of Requirements.

The crowd was thinning. Only a little knot of people remained below in the Room of Requirement, and Harry joined them. Mrs. Weasley was struggling with Ginny. Around them stood Remus, Fred, George, Bill, and Fleur. 

"You're underage!" Mrs. Weasley shouted at her daughter as Harry approached"I won't permit it! The boys, yes, but you, you've got to go home!" 

"I won't!" 

Ginny's hair flew as she pulled her arm out of her mother's grip. "I'm in Dumbledore's Army---" 

"A teenagers' gang!" 

"A teenagers' gang that's about to take him on, which no one else has dared todo!" said Fred. 

"She's sixteen!" shouted Mrs. Weasley. "She's not old enough! What you two were thinking, bringing her with you!?"

Fred and George looked slightly ashamed of themselves. 

"Mom's right, Ginny," said Bill gently. "You can't do this. Everyoneunderage will have to leave, it's only right."

"I can't go home!" Ginny shouted, angry tears sparkling in her eyes. "My whole family's here, I can't stand waiting there alone and not knowing and —"

But Ginny met Harry's eyes and reluctantly left. 

There was a scuffling and a great thump. Someone else had clambered out of the tunnel, overbalanced slightly, and fallen.

Percy Weasley.

"Am I too late? Has it started? I only just found out, so I --- I ---" 

Percy spluttered into silence. Evidently, he had not expected to run intomost of his family. There was a long moment of astonishment, broken by Fleurturning to Lupin and saying, in a wildly transparent attempt to break the tension."So--- 'ow eez leetle Teddy?" 

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