Aftermaths of first task

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"To the Potter twins!" Rigel yelled raising his butterbeer up.

"To the Potter twins!' Everyone raised their drinks.

Back in the Gryffindor common room, another party was thrown that night, way bigger and better than the last one. The common room had been filled with banners that Dean and Rigel had made. Fred and George had gotten some food from the kitchens, and it had been pretty enjoyable so far.

Eliza yelped as Rigel picked her up and set her on his shoulder while the Weasley twins hoisted Harry up.

"Blimey, this is heavy!" said Lee, picking up the golden eggs and handing them to the twins. "C'mon, open it, Harry! Let's see what's inside!"

The people in the common room cheered as Harry and Eliza opened theirs, but when they did, a loud and screechy wailing was let out that they all had to cover their ears until Harry had closed it again.

"What was that?" said Seamus Finnigan. "It sounded like a banshee. Maybe you have to get past one of those next, Harry."

"Don't be stupid Seamus." Rigel scowled. "It's something we cant hear in the air" he scratched his chin. "Guys which languages can't be heard in the air?"

"Well, there is mermish." Angelina Johnson pointed out. "But you have to take a dip in the lake," she added sympathetically.

"Oh, thought it was Percy singing," George said causing everyone to laugh.

"Great now we have to take a dip in the great lake?" Eliza grumbled.

"Oh relax red." Rigel laughed wrapping an arm around her waist. "We can push Harry and he can tell us."

"Fair enough." Eliza grinned.

"Want some jam, Hermione?" Fred offered but when he saw the weird look she gave him he said, "The jams are fine. What you have to worry about are the custard creams."

Neville, who had just bitten into a custard cream, choked and spat it out. Fred laughed.

"Just my little joke, Neville. . . ."

Hermione took a jam tart. Then she said, "Did you get all this from the kitchens, Fred?"

"Yep," said Fred, grinning at her. He put on a high-pitched squeak and imitated a house-elf. " 'Anything we can get you, sir, anything at all!' They're dead helpful . . . get me a roast ox if I said I was peckish."

"How do you get in there?" Hermione said in an innocently casual sort of voice.

"Oh it's easy," said Fred, "There's a concealed door behind a painting of a bow lof fruit. Just tickle the pear, and it giggles and —" He stopped and looked suspiciously at her. "Why?"

"Nothing," said Hermione quickly.

"Hermione-" Rigel signed

"Going to try and lead the house-elves out on strike now, are you?" said George. "Going to give up all the leaflet stuff and try and stir them up into rebellion?"

Several people chortled. Hermione didn't answer.

"Don't you go upsetting them and telling them they've got to take clothes and salaries!" said Fred warningly "You'll put them off their cooking!"

Just then, Neville caused a slight diversion by turning into a large canary.

"Oh — sorry, Neville!" Fred shouted over all the laughter. "I forgot — it was the custard creams we hexed —"

Within a minute, however, Neville had molted, and once his feathers had fallen off, he reappeared looking entirely normal. He even joined in laughing.

"Canary Creams!" Fred shouted to the excitable crowd. "George and I invented them — seven Sickles each, a bargain!"

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