Part 1- Found

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Elizabeth's POV

"See you tomorrow," I waved goodbye to Scarlet and walked out to the carpark. The pitch-black sky was illuminated by the fluorescent full moon, the air still and night deadly silent. I searched for my silver car keys from my little over-the-shoulder handbag, pulling them out and unlocking the black Range Rover that sat alone in the sea of empty parks.

I got into my freezing cold car, pressing the engine start after throwing my bag to the passenger seat. I turned my lights on, along with cranking the heater up to the highest. I hovered my foot over the peddle, about to start the short journey home in the twilight of the night, but saw something small in front of the car. I squinted my eyes, lifting in my seat to try to see the small phenomenon. I saw it move out of the light and I opened my door, looking for a small lost dog. "Hello?" I asked while walking slowly into the line of my headlights, looking around the car.

I peered around the side of the car, my eyes met with a small girl covered in dirt, no older than 5. "Hey sweetie, what are you doing out here?" I walked up to her slowly, trying not to spook the visibly scared girl. She didn't respond to my question, about to cry, "Where is mummy?" I lowered myself to her eyeline and she still didn't respond, "Daddy?" I asked her again, but still nothing. "Do you understand me?" I pointed to her and back to me, in case she was deaf, making my question obvious. The small girl shook her head 'no', I nodded, offering her my hand.

The small girl contemplated momentarily before placing her tiny, ice-cold fingers in mine. I noticed her temperate and frowned, I removed my hand from hers and unwrapped my scarf from my neck. I wrapped my warm scarf around her small neck, along with my beenie on her head, covering her cold ears. She peered at me, thankful for my care, biting her lip. I pushed myself up to my feet and open my car boot, pulling out an extra winter coat. I closed the car and locked it, walking back over to the girl that still hadn't moved. I held the oversized coat behind her and placed her small arms inside, before zipping it up. The girl smiled at me once I stepped back, offering my hand to her again. The girl could barely walk since the coat covered her feet, so I picked her up, shifting her to my hip. I looked to see if she was alright, the girl wrapped her arms around my neck, making me hold her to my front. I smiled and started walking back to set, hoping the movie translator would still be here.

I knocked on the office door for the language department, luckily the door opened. A brunette man dressed in casual blue jeans and a white top opened the door, smiling. "Hi, I'm wondering if I could please speak to the translator?" I asked kindly and the man nodded.

"That would be me," he opened the door and stepped aside for me to enter, noticing the young girl in my arms.

"Oh okay, I'm not sure what language this girl speaks if any at all, can you help me?" I asked him and he nodded while in thought.

"I'll try my best, please sit her here," The man closed the door and gestured to an office chair. I sat the girl down, taking her arms off from around my neck. I pulled a chair to sit next to her as the translator kneeled down in front of her. 

"Ciao Cara," He smiled at her but she didn't respond. 

"Bonjour comment vas-tu," he tried again but she didn't understand him again. 

"Hallo, ich bin Johannes," She looked up to me as if to ask what he meant. I shook my head at him and he sighed.

 "Вы понимаете меня?" She looked back at him and nodded.

"What language was that?" I asked him curiously, he lifted his gaze from the small child to meet my eyes.

"Russian," He answered. I looked down at the small girl, confused but intrigued. The man stood up from the floor and the girl flinched. I reached for her now warmed-up hands, she met my gaze and jumped off of her chair, coming up to me and holding her arms out as if she wanted me to pick her up. I lifted her from the floor, her small arms clutching to my neck.

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