Part 31- Unwell and Grumpy Toddlers

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Lizzie's POV: the night before

Today was the day to post the first Age of Ultron trailer and it couldn't have went better with all of the support from my fans. Tatiana was put in the last few seconds of the trailer and now everyone knows that she is somehow going to appear in the movie, its so fun to see all of the guesses of her character.

Lizzie's POV: the following morning

I woke up to a sleeping toddler in my bed, confused as to why the whole family was here.

"Robbie," I whispered to my snoring husband, passed out on the far left side, on his stomach. I tapped his back lightly and called him again, careful not to wake Tatiana who was clutched to my torso, in the middle of both of us.

"Wha- yeah?" He lifts his head and barely opens his eyes, his face full of confusion.

"Why is Tat in here?" I ask gently and he sighs, rolling over to face me.

"She had a nightmare," he keeps his voice low and I nod, biting my lip as I look down at the girl.

"What was it about?" I move a piece of one of her perfect blonde hair strands out of her face as Robbie hesitates to answer. 

"Um, I don't know but she was scared out of her mind. She did mutter a name though," he runs his hand through his chestnut brown hair and my eyes snap up to his.

"What name?" I ask, determined to figure out the complex puzzle of Tatiana's past.

"Storm, I think," he looked up to the ceiling in recollection as he remembered her words.

"Storm?" I whisper, realisation hit me like a speeding bullet as I remembered what Tatiana said after we rode together in London. "The horse?"

"A what? Horse?" He suggests and I think it over.

"Never mind," I shake my head. "It's probably nothing," I frown, looking down at the small girl's frame, and she scrunches her nose subconsciously as her hair falls from being tucked behind her ear.

"I'm sure she will sleep longer, we ended up going to bed pretty late since she was all riled up after that," he checks his phone the was on his bedside table, showing it was a little past 8. Robbie got up and hopped into the shower as I made sure not to move much to wake Tatiana. I slowly move to my phone and picked it up, entertaining myself on social media and work emails as I wait for Tatiana to wake up by herself. 

Robbie has to go into the recording studio today, leaving Tatiana and I alone for the meantime. 

"Alright, I'm going to head off," Robbie peaked his head on from the doorway of the bedroom and I looked up from my phone.

"Okay, text me when you leave, babe," I blew a kiss and Robbie nodded, offering a short smile before I heard him make his way downstairs and eventually out of the door.

I sighed and closed my phone after seeing it was now half past 8, this is starting to get weird that she isn't already up.

"Tatiana?" I whisper and kiss the crown of her head, trying to gently lull her wake. She remains unconscious as I run my fingers through her hair. "Tatiana," I say at normal speaking level and she opens her eyes, a frown instantly taking over her beautiful little face.

"Mama," she sits up and starts to sniffle, holding her head.

"What is it?" I ask, worried as my child climbs into my arms and rests her head on my shoulder.

"My head is heavy, and my nose is blocked," she mumbles softly, closing her eyes in drowsiness.

I raise my hand to her forehead and just as I guessed, she's running a bloody fever. Great. 

"Stay here, baby, I'll go get you something to feel better," I lay her down on my bed and bring the blanket up to her chest, making sure she was comfy. 

"You're leaving?" She asked and tears start to brim her eyes.

"No, no, no, I'm just going downstairs for a minutes or two," I smile lightly and speak soothingly.

"But I don't want you too!" She cries and wraps her arms around my neck, sitting up in the process. 

"Okay, okay," I sighed and hold her, before picking her up and carrying her downstairs with me.

I balance her on my hip as I pull out my phone, dialing Scarlett's number and put it on speaker on the kitchen counter. The phone rings as I move through the kitchen, pulling out cereal for Tatiana and medicine for her fever.

"Hello?" Scarlett answers

"Hey Scar, can you please tell Joss I can't come into work tomorrow? Tatiana has come down with something." I call out to her from the fridge as I rip out the milk, before adding it to the bowl of cereal. 

"Oh no! Yeah, of course. Is Robbie there with you?" She asks caringly and I sit Tatiana down on a high seat, giving her the bowl to eat.

"Thank you, and no Robbie has to work today," I pick up the phone and carry it with me as I grab a chair and stand on it to reach the medicine cabinet above the oven. 

"Lizzie! You can't take care of a sick toddler by yourself!" She scolds and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, well, I don't have much choice here, Scar," I dig though the medicine and pull out kids nurofen from when Tatiana broke her arm.

"That's bullshit, I'm coming over, see you in 20," she hangs up the phone before I can answer and I groan, I feel bad, this was her day off from work too.

I turn back around to see Tatiana staring at her food, stirring it with her spoon. "Tatiana you have to eat it," I instruct and she pouts.

"No," she mumbles, dropping the spoon and crossing her arms.

"Please, baby," I beg and pick up the spoon, holding it to her mouth. Tatiana whines and turns her head away. "Okay, fine, but just have this to make you feel better," I hold out a cup of medicine and she takes it, drinking the orange flavoured liquid without a fuss.

Tatiana then climbs off of the stool and makes her way into the lounge room, before slouching down onto a couch. I start a fire in the fire place since it normally cheers her up, and I play frozen for her on the TV. 

I take an electronic blanket from the closet and plug it in for Tatiana after making her a drink bottle. 

Tatiana curled herself up in her seat and huddled under the blanket as it warms up for her.

I sit next to her on the couch as we sit in comfortable silence as she rewatches Frozen like it was the first time. 

A knock comes from the door and I immediately know who it is, smiling a little as I open the door to see Scarlett with a shopping bag and 2 coffees.

"Hey Scar," I greet her kindly, stepping aside to let her in.

"Hey loser," she jokes and drops her bag, pulling me in for a caring hug.



A/N: I'm so happy that my story has not only come so far, but now we have audio! Wow, my dream is coming true. Also, I have mid-term tests this Monday and I'm dreading the 6 tests I have to do in just 3 days! Ugh. Anyways, love you all xxx -S

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