Part 28- Uncovered Truths

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Tatiana's POV

I'm carried into the police station, as I see mama getting out of a car behind me, her hands behind her back.

The police officers take me into a private room, where they get a woman to interview me. She asks me all sorts of questions, from what I did while at Mama's house, to if I knew my grandmother.

I answered none of their questions, and they started to get irritated. I sat in silence for what felt like like forever, the men bought my grandmother into the room with me and I didn't even spare a glance to her.

She tried to speak to me but I played with my fingers, zoning her out. I wasn't going to say a word until they bought her back to me.

"Tatyana, посмотри на меня," (look at me) my bubushka kneeled beside me and I turned my back to her, rotating on the chair. The police side eyed my grandmother and her checks went red in embarrassment. "ей, должно быть, промыла мозги женщина," (She must've been brainwashed by the woman) My grandmother speaks unfairly about Elizabeth to the police and I scoff.

"She was more of a parent than you or papa ever was," I held my head high as her lips pursed in anger.

"ты русский, говори так," (You are Russian, speak like it) she mumbled in my ear and I clutch the chair underneath me as she speaks in a low, threatening voice.

"Why do you want me now, you never did ever since I was born. What changed?" I asked and she slapped my cheek, the police stopping her instantly after as tears fell down my cheeks.

"Ma'am! Please go outside, calm yourself," the officer block my view of her, and made her leave. "Are you okay?" She asks softly, her accent un pure.

"Please, I just want my mommy," I cry, making the most of my acting classes. She pouts and her emotions take control.

"You can't see her yet," she hold my hand and I sob louder, taking it a bit overboard, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

"Alright, stay here, I'll try," she sighs and walks out swiftly, leaving me in the poorly decorated white room. The white paint scrapping off of the old wall. I was sat on a steel chair with minimal padding on the seat, most of it ripped open so I could see the yellow-y foam. A clock ticked quietly above the officers chair, keeping a steady pace as the seconds pass slowly. 

The door opened suddenly, snapping me out of my thoughts, as I see Mama walk through the doors with red puffy eyes. She sees me and smiles as I just out of my seat, running to her in a flash of light.

She lifts me up to keep the momentum, as my arms wrapping around her neck, followed by my legs clamping around her waist. She holds me tight I bury my head into her shoulder, taking in her sweet vanilla scent. She lets out a breath of relief as the only tears left in my dry eyes leave in a wave of emotion.

"I'm so sorry, baby," Mom's voice cracks as she pulls me to lean back on her, letting me see her tired face.

"I want to be with you," I whisper as the lady that helped me watched us from the corner of the room.

"I know, and I will fight for you," she returns, I smile and rest my forehead against hers.

"I'm sorry to interrupt this, but Tatiana, if you promise to talk then Elizabeth can stay with us," she bargens and I look to mama for permission and she nodded.

"Okay..." I agreed reluctantly, at least I get to be with mama. We all sat down as the woman went through her notes.

"Alright, how did you end up lost before Miss Olsen found you, Tatyana?" She began and I took a deep breath, starting from the very beginning.

Lizzie's POV

Tatiana was sat on my lap as she leaned her body into mine, missing my touch from the 2 hours that we have been apart.

"My Papa, Mama and little brother were all on our trip," Tatiana started, her voice shaker than normal.

"What do you do on these trips?" The officer questions and writes down Tatiana's words on a blank piece of paper.

"Papa would go into town once every 2 weeks to buy alcohol and feed for the animals on out farm," she answers, her voice low and defeated. "We we're driving, my brother sitting next to me as my Papa was yelling at Mama," she recalls and I squeeze her tight, letting her feel I was here for her.

"Did your dad often yell at mom?" The officer asked and Tatiana nodded, shyly.

"Suddenly, a deer ran onto the road, making my papa crash into another car. My Mama was unconscious, my brother screaming in pain and I couldn't hear anything. I climbed out of the car, and my Papa moved Mama into the drivers seat. I checked on Mama... she had a lot of blood on her," Tatiana started scrunch up her face, as if she needed to cry but had no tears left.

"Take your time, sweetheart," I whisper and rest my chin on her head after kissing her hair.

"Mama couldn't feel her legs, she told me to run as my Papa took my brother from the backseat. Papa told me to come with him, he was running away from the sirens. I shook Mama to tell her to come but she fell asleep. Papa kept yelling at me to come with him but I started to run toward the sirens like mama said to do. Papa didn't follow me, and I hit from you people," she finishes, pointing to the woman's police uniform.

"What happened after that?" She asked, her expression was sympathetic as she wrote down all of the information being given to her.

"I walked around the streets until it started to get cold and rain. I found a bus stop to sit underneath to wait out the rain. Then I saw a lost puppy walk past me, I felt bad because it was wet. I went to bring it out of the rain to sit with me but it ran off when I went after it. I followed it along a fence when it went through a hole in the wire. I heard laughing on the other side of the wall so I went through, seeing huge lights and tents," Tatiana made shapes with her hands as she spoke. At last, she saw described the Marvel set with tents and lights. Everything seemed to fall into place as I listened to the 4-year-old attentively.

"Thank you, Tatiana, and lastly, who is that woman to you?" She referred to Tatiana's grandmother.

"She is my Papa's mom, I only met her once since she lives here. I was born in L.A." Tatiana answered easily and I smile at her language skills, she seriously has come so far with her English these past months.

"I'll be right back, and there is someone on the line for you Miss Olsen," she hands me a phone and I take it, waiting for her to leave. I look at the phone number and recognised it as Robbie's.

"Hello?" I held the phone up to my ear as I hear the twins calling Robbie into the room.

"Lizzie?" Robbie asks and I smile.

"Hey, you," I return and I hear him sigh in relief.

"What's going on? Scarlett called me and said you were arrested and Tatiana was taken into custody but the Russian police, the twins came as soon as they heard as well," he sounded stressed and I started to tear up at the memory. I tightened my grip on Tatiana as I looked up to try to get rid of the water that was threatening to fall.

"Yeah, um... Tatiana's grandmother came for a visit," I answered and the line went quiet for a bit.

"WHAT?" I heard Ashley call from across the room. I must've been on speaker. 

"Guys, I'll talk to you later, I need to go," I said quickly as a couple of police came into the room.

"Alright, Liz, be safe, love you," Robbie took the phone off speaker.

"I love you, be safe," I returned and hung up the phone, putting it back on the table for them to take back. 

"Miss Olsen," A man walked up beside me, starting to give me the news.

Oh god.



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