Part 14- Packing

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Lizzie's POV

"Tatiana! Did you finish packing?!" I called from the living room, Robbie helping to pack my bags into the car. I heard no response so I lifted my sunglasses to the top of my head and started to walk down the hallway to her room. "Tati?" I poked my head into her room and saw the small girl struggling to zip her suitcase. She looks up to me and huffs from exhaustion, sitting down on her bed. "Hey, you need help?" I asked and tried to zip the bag up, but it was too full. "Huh, what's in here?"

"Just... stuff," she shrugged her shoulders and I furrowed my brows, confused at the answer. I lifted the front shell of the bag to see a random sock, unfolded hoddies and pants, loose crayons, a ball, a unicorn plushie, a dog plushie, a cat plushie, a carton of blueberries, some loose change and 3 buttons, and a glass cup, a straw, a hat, and orange juice?

"Tatiana," I laughed out and she smiled. "What is this for?" I took out the carton of orange juice and held it up, still in a state of amusement.

"In case I get thirsty," she answers innocently and I nod, holding up the blueberries next. "In case I get hungry," she once again answers and I press my lips together, taking in a deep breath.

"And the cup?" I hold up the glass and she shrugs.

"To drink my orange juice!" she takes it from me and reaches into the bag, pulling out the straw and putting it in the cup.

"Alright, baby, I know you're excited but we only need to bring clothes," I calmly tell her and she pouts, putting the cup down.

"But what about Dave?" she asks quietly and I bite my lip, looking down at the stuffed animals.

"You can bring Dave, and only Dave," I clarify and she smiles up at me, jumping off her bed and heading for her closet. 

"Okay!" she opens her closet and tries to reach a dress that is hanging up. I grab it for her and go back to the suitcase, taking everything out. Soon enough, Tatiana had a growing pile of her favourite clothes appearing on her bed for me to pack next to Dave. Dave is her stuffed tabby cat that has only only eye since she thought he should be like director Fury on set. I take out her unicorn and dog plushies, putting them back up next to her pillows for when we get back.

"You can pick only 4 dresses," I eye the dress pile that is taking up most of the bed.

"What!?" she wines and drops a hat that she is holding.

"You can't just wear dresses, you need pants and tops for cold days!" I picked up that hat from the floor and place it on top of her head, giving her a sideways smile that makes the small girl smile.

"Can I bring a skirt?" her eyes light up and I sigh, dropping my head for a moment.

"Sure honey, you can bring 3 skirts," I nod and she runs off to her cupboard again.

Soon enough, we got her bag packed and Robbie helped carry it to the car while I braided Tatiana's hair quickly. I settled on two neat Dutch braids and she seemed to like them since she ran out to Robbie, just to show him her braids.

 I settled on two neat Dutch braids and she seemed to like them since she ran out to Robbie, just to show him her braids

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