Part 23- Off-days exsist

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Today we leave for France and I am currently running around our apartment trying to pack everything with a grumpy 4-year-old.

"Mama! I wanna wear my pink dress!" she complains as I pack everything in.

"I understand baby, but you have to wear this. It was picked by a professional for you," I tried to convince the little Russian but she huffed and crossed her arms. God, where did she get all this stubbornness?!

"I don't want it!" she yells and I shake my head.

"Put this on Tatiana, or you don't get your iPad for the whole day," I leave the outfit on her bed and leave the room, continuing to pack.

Normally I would be fine to let her wear whatever she likes but all her clothes are dirty, so my stylist dropped off a skirt and top. I am also going to be photographed once arriving in the city of 'fashion', therefore we need to look presentable.

From the UK to France was only around an hour and a half's flight away, meaning it will be quick and easy for us. I was starting to miss Robbie since we left and it created a hole that is getting bigger every day I can't see him. 

"Mama, I can't find Dave!" Tatiana came running in, crying and I put down whatever was in my hands and kneeled down to her.

"It's alright Tatty, I already packed Dave this morning. He is in your travel bag," I wiped the tears from her eyes before they could fall and her frown instantly turned upside down.

"Oh okay, Thank you," she wrapped her arms around my neck for a presumably quick hug. Tatiana didn't let go for a while and I tried to pull back but I could escape her clutches.

"Bubs, I need to finish packing," I told her but the 4-year-old didn't let go. I sighed with a small smile and lifted her up and onto my body, letting her bear hug me as I moved around the house.

I finished packing, thank god, and got everything ready to go. I quickly texted Aaron to come to my room so we can go to the airport together, hoping it would make Tatiana feel a little better this morning.

I heard a knock on the door and opened it to the British man on the other side.

 "Hey, Liz!" He beamed and I smiled.

"Thanks for coming, Aaron," I smiled genuinely and he nodded, noticing my mood instantly.

"Is everything alright?" he asked and looked over to the girl in my arms, who has her head buried into my neck. If she didn't move her hand every so often, I would've thought she was asleep.

"Yeah, the travelling is finally getting to us I think," I reply and walk us both into the lounge room.

"Here, let me take her, Liz. You just worry about yourself for a bit," Aaron held out his arms and I smiled gratefully.

"Thank you so much, Aaron," I let out a sigh and give Tatiana to him. She wines at first but Aaron convinces her that he is 'more fun' than me, and takes her to his room for a bit.

I look around the empty room and the pile of bags at the kitchen counter. I plop myself down onto the comfortable couch and huff. I check my phone to see we have 25 minutes until the drivers get here and I decided to close my eyes for a bit.

Aaron's POV

I walked through the hotel halls with Tatiana in my arms, heading for the main rooms. I have no idea how to take care of a child so I will just take her to the rest of the crew, hoping it will cheer her up a little.

I walk in and Tatiana lifts her head at the crowd of loud actors and actresses. Sally (Hawkins) came over to me, pulling me into a friendly hug. "Hey! Oh, who's this?" she asks and tickles Tatiana's stomach as she shyly looks at the woman.

"This is Tatiana, the girl who crashed our conference in San Francisco," I joked and her eyes lit up.

"Oh hi!" she waved and smiled brightly. Tatiana turned away and hid her face into my jacket. I smiled apologetically at the woman and she nodded, understanding completely. "Where is Lizzie?" she asks worriedly.

"She's just in her room, getting ready while I take this one off of her hands," I answer and she nods.

"I'm sure you're the MVP in her books right now," she laughed and got pulled away by one of the directors.

I walked over to Tom, who was awkwardly sitting in a corner since he knew no one here. "Hey, man," I called to him and he smiled.

"Hey guys," he replied and Tatiana lifted her head. "Hi squirt," Tom frizzed her hair up and she giggled.

"Mama will kill you for that, she spent 15 minutes doing my hair," The 4-year-old warned and Tom's eyes went wide.

"Oh god, here," he put a Godzilla cap over the girl's head and she shakes her head in disappointment which made me laugh. I put her down while she talked to Tom, I noticed the time, we should be leaving in 5 minutes.

I made my way up to Liz's room to help her with bags, I noticed her door was unlocked so I pushed it open. "Hello? Liz?" I asked and peeked my head into the living room to see her asleep on the couch. I smiled at the sight and walked up closer to her, shaking her shoulder lightly.

"Shit!" she was startled by my presence and I burst out laughing. Lizzie rolled her eyes and sighed, getting up from the couch. 

"Omg, you should have seen your face!" I tease and she goes red, and picks up a bag from the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, ye- Where is my child?" she realises and asks with worried eyes.

"She's with Tom and the crew," I let her know while I throw a bag over my shoulder, and we started to walk down to the lobby to meet the rest of the cast.

We walk into Tom and Tatiana as she laughs together and I notice a smile instantly comes onto Lizzie's face at the sight. God, she's such a good mother.

"Hi Tom," Lizzie pulls the young Spider-Man into a hug and he blushes. Tom has always had a bit of a crush on Lizzie and I often tease him about it.

"Hey," he replies and Lizzie looks down at the kid that was standing behind Tom

"Why are you wearing a hat?" Lizzie asks and Tom's eyes went wide.

"Ok, uh, bye!" Tom waved and speed-walked off. Lizzie shook her head and tidied her child's hair before picking her up, balancing her on her hip.

We all got onto a plane in the next half an hour, and I was sitting with Tom and a producer, Lizzie was a couple of rows away from us meaning we couldn't chat.

After what felt like a minute's worth of flight, we were finally here.




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