Part 36- Horses and Hoofs

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Tatyana's POV

I woke up after a long dream, that my memory struggled to remember nearly instantly. I rubbed my eyes, looking around the room to see the sun peaking from behind the closed curtains. Mama had her arm draped around my stomach as she slept on her side while I did on my back. My Aunties slept in my room for the night so I had to bunk with Mom and Dad.

I climbed out of her grasp carefully to try not to wake her up, and made my way downstairs, convinced I was the only one up at this early hour.

I turned on the TV and it was playing the early 7am news, but I switched the channel to kids ABC. I watched an episode of Sam and Cat that was on for 15 minutes or so before I heard someone walk into the room.

Mary Kate slowly sauntered into the room, her hair in a high pony tale and a baggy top with some bike shorts on. "Morning, cutie," she ruffled my hair and walked past me, heading straight for the kitchen. I ran after her and sat up on the counter stool as she made herself a cup of coffee.

"Auntie?" I asked, my voice low from shyness. 

"Yes?" She turns around to lean on the counter, the kettle boiling in the background. 

"Do you- Can you please make me breakfast?" I played with my fingers while feeling scared to ask and she gave me a small smile.

"What would you like?" She walks towards the fridge and opens it, searching through it even though she has no idea where everything is. "We got eggs?" She opens the carton and sees all 12 lined up in their rows.

"Okay," I nodded, resulting in MK grabbing a pan and cracking 2 eggs. She seems unsure of her movements which is a little funny watching her try to scoop some shell out of the pan with a knife. 

"So, are you excited to get a horse today?" She picked up conversation, leaving the stove to rest her arm on the counter top before me.

"Very, I can't wait until Mommy wakes up so we can go!" I jump in my seat, a beaming smile present on my face without faulter.

"I bet!" She chuckled and turned the stove off once the eggs were cooked through. She plated 2 sunny-side up eggs in front of me and I smiled at the food.

"Thank you!" I giggled, excited for the food in front of me as she gave me a kids set of a knife and fork.

"All good, remember to blow on it first," She finished making her coffee and went to sit in the living area, leaving me to enjoy my breakfast alone.

Once I finished, I reached over the counter and placed the dishes in the sink. I climbed down from the stool and noticed the dog was awake outside, so I opened the back door and joined him under the patio.

Midnight was a black and white Auzziedoodle, he was really smart and kind to everyone. "Midnight," I called out, getting his attention. He ran up to the patio and I sat down, greeting him for the morning. I threw a tennis ball, which he returned happily, and the process repeated over and over again until the back door opened behind me.

"Having fun?" Lizzie leaned on the door way with a smirk and I laughed as a soggy tennis ball was dropped on my lap. "C'mon, it cold out here," She left the door open for me, going back inside as I threw the ball again, the racing fluff running faster then I ever could to get it. He came back and I pet him one last time before going inside to find Robbie and Lizzie engaged in their conversation.

"Nope, not happening," Mama answers him and dad sighs, but notices me and lifts me up to him.

"Hey kid!" He enthusiastically says with a smile.

"Hello," I greet back and Lizzie joins the twins in the living room, as we soon do too. I draw on the coffee table as the adults all sit on the couches, with their coffee', and watch the morning news. Ew, why are they all so alike?

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