Part 2- Pancakes

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Elizabeth's POV

I woke up to Robbie whispering my name, "Liz, I'm going into the studio for the day,". I opened my eyes to the warm sunlight peeking its way through the white curtains, illuminating throughout the room. I met my husband's brown eyes and entertained smirk, looking down to the little girl who was adhered to my side.

"Oh, okay. Text me when you're coming home, love you," I met his lips quickly before he headed off to work. I gathered up my nearly dead phone to see it was just past 8 in the morning, meaning Tatiana would get up soon anyway. I raised the girl's arms off of my waist and gradually escaped the 5-year old's clutches. The girl's chest ascended and dropped rhythmically as I lifted the blanket over her so she didn't get cold on this frigid morning. I grinned at the toddler before clutching my phone, and leaving the room, shutting the door behind me. I headed up to my room and took a warm shower, washing all my sweat off from working all day yesterday. After I blow-dried my hair and let it drape down my shoulders, I picked up my phone to ring my GP.

"Hello, this is LA Private Medical Clinic, how can I help you today?" An older woman's voice came through the phone, she was friendly and kind toward me.

"Hi, can I please book an appointment with Dr Blackwell?" I inquired as I started to make my way downstairs, my phone to my ear.

"Yep, she is free at 11.00 am or 4.50 pm." The woman spoke slowly as if she was thinking.

"Okay great, I'll take the 11.00 am appointment then please?" I slowly walked over to the linen cupboard, pulling out my vacuum cleaner.

"Perfect, may I ask who I am speaking with and for whom the appointment is for?" I could hear the woman typing on her computer through the line.

"Elizabeth Olsen, the appointment is for a little girl, Tatiana," I replied and plugged the electrical cord for the vacuum cleaner into the nearest power point to me.

"Alright then, I'll see you at 11, Elizabeth," The woman confirmed the book in and I gave a small 'thanks' before hanging up the phone and plugging it into the charger in the kitchen. I started to vacuum the kitchen, then the living room, and the bathroom. As I was in the hallway I noticed in the corner of my eye a door handle move. I turned off the vacuum and stared at the still closed door, waiting for the door handle to jiggle again.

"Tatiana?" I stepped forwards and opened the door, revealing the cute girl barely tall enough to reach the door handle. "Hey, how did you sleep?" I smiled down at the grin on the girl's face. She gave me a thumbs-up before running out of the room and down the hallway, to the kitchen.

I went after Tatiana in a hurry, finding her trying to climb up to a kitchen stool at the bench. I chuckled a little at the sight of her but then lifted her to the stool. "Spasibo," she thanked me and leaned her arms onto the waterfall island. I nodded my head and walked around the counter, opening the fridge to see if there was anything to feed the hungry monster.

"We have eggs, milk, butter. Do you want pancakes?" I swung my head around to look at the small girl.

"Pancakes?" she tilts her head, not knowing what I was talking about. oh god, if this child has never had pancakes, she is in for the ride of a lifetime. I smirked and started to grab all of the ingredients from the fridge, then the food cupboard.

 "Flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, done." I had all of the random food items in my hands and placed them on the counter in front of the girl. "Here, you can mix," I gave the girl a whisk and medium bowl. She stared at the whisk as if she didn't know what to do with it, I measured out the flour, sugar, salt and baking powder all in the same bowl. "Mix," I repeated the word and placed my hand on top of hers, holding the whisk together and starting to mix.

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