Part 13- Panic

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Lizzie's POV

I was woken up by distant voices from my room. I pushed my blankets away from myself and climbed out of bed, heading for my door. I pushed my door open slightly and the sounds became clearer as Tatiana giggled with Robbie. I made my way slowly downstairs, trying not to be noticed as I approached the kitchen archway. Tatiana never wanted to spend time with Robbie before this, so I was happy-confused. If you get what I mean.

Robbie was washing a couple of bowls in the kitchen sink as Tatiana was in the middle of a deep conversation with him. I leaned my head on the doorway, not wanting to interrupt the precious moment, as Robbie made her giggle again with a silly comment. This is the first time since she broke her arm that she spoke more than a few words in a sentence to someone other than Jenny, one of the set designers.

After a few minutes or so, Robbie noticed me in the doorway and smiled, but went back to his conversation since Tatiana was still enthusing about being on set with Tom H. and how they played pranks on a few cast members.

Tatiana soon saw me in the hallway and gave me a half-smile before getting off her stool. "Good morning," I smiled and walked up to the kitchen bench, aiming my attention at the small girl.

"Morning," she says quietly and runs off to her room. I throw my head back and sigh at her complete change in attitude.

"Hey, she'll come around," Robbie dried his hands on a kitchen towel and pulled me into a loose hug, which I returned.

"When?" I asked with an annoyed tone and pull myself out of the hug, heading straight for the coffee pot.

"Soon," he answered patiently and pushed himself up on the counter to sit on it. "The sooner you tell her, the better it will turn out," he reminds me and I groan, dreading the moment. I have to go on tour with the Godzilla cast for 2 weeks or more and I'd have to leave Tatiana here with Robbie.

I tried to get out of the press conferences and conventions, but nothing could be done. Robbie offered to take care of Tatiana until I got back but I'm nervous about how she'll react. I had to ask Scarlett if she could bring Rose by for a couple of days because Robbie has to go into the studio. Thank god that Scar can help Robbie out, but still, I feel so uneasy about leaving. Is it wrong to do so? 

My mom and the twins offered to take Tatiana off my hands for a couple of days, but they're in New York for now.

"I know," I spoke in a defeated tone. Robbie gave me a sympathetic smile and I walked off, going to find the small girl. 

I found myself standing outside Tatiana's closed door, mentally planning my words carefully. "Okay, here it goes," I whisper to myself and knock on her door, opening it after. Tatiana was sat on the floor in front of the end of her bed, drawing a picture with her crayons. "Hey, Tat," I smiled and sat down opposite her, crossing my legs. She looked up from her work and gave me a soft smile. "I came to tell you something important," I started and she dropped her crayon out of her hand, sitting up to listen to me. "I need to go away for a few weeks," I tell her with a saddened expression and her eyes drop to the floor.

"W-Why?" she asks quietly and I sigh.

"I have to go answer some questions and meet some fans about my new movie," I try to speak carefully, not wanting to overwhelm the tiny girl.

"What about me?" she questioned sadly, tears now invading her eyes.

"I won't be long, babe, please don't cry?" I reached for her hand but she pulled it back, not even looking at me anymore.

"Почему я никогда никому не нужна? ," (Why does nobody even want me?) She stood up swiftly and ran past me, out of the room. I didn't understand what she said but assumed she didn't like that I was going.

"Tatiana!" I called after her but it was no use. "Shit!" I covered my face with my hands from all the stress. "Why does this happen?" I asked myself and took my hands away from my face, looking down to the floor. Tatiana's drawing caught my eye and I picked it up, a drawing of Me, Robbie, her, and a few people I didn't recognize. There were 2 adults and a little boy, I immediately realized who they were, Tatiana's family. The mother had blonde hair with blue eyes, and the brother had brown hair and brown eyes. When I saw the father, his face was all scribbled out with black crayon and he was further apart from the rest of the drawings.

⚠️Panic Attack⚠️

"Beth!" I heard Robbie call me in fear and I jolted up, dropping the piece of paper in my hands as I run out of the room. I got to the kitchen to see Tatiana sat up on the counter, tears in her eyes and gasping for air.

"Oh god," I rushed up to the small girl and held her hands, bringing her eyes to mine. "Breathe with me, Tatiana," I told her calmly with a warm smile. "In, and out, good, again," I coached her through the panic attack and she soon calmed down.

"Thank you," she wrapped her arms around my neck and forced my arms to take her. I shushed her sweetly and embraced her, giving her the comfort she needed from me. "Please don't leave me, mom," she whispered and I nodded, pushing hair from her face.

"Okay," I agreed and she buried her head into my neck again. Robbie watched with worry in his eyes, not knowing what to do. "Okay," I repeated and held her tight, just wanting her to be safe.

                                               ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────

 "What am I going to do?" I paced back and forth in my room, stressing while Robbie is sat on the bed. Robbie stays silent, not knowing what to do in this situation. "Any help?" I asked, annoyed at his lack of input and he sighs.

"There's nothing to do," he answered and I stopped pacing, placing my attention on him. "You told her that you would stay, but you have to go," he stated the obvious and I watched intently as he spoke, wanting an answer so desperately. "So, go," he finished and I gave him a 'are you serious look'.

"You are literally no help," I throw my head back in annoyance and groaned, loudly.

"I mean, take her with you," he stood up from his previous position and walked up to the dressers, opening one of my draws.

"I'm not flying a child halfway across the country, Rob," I turned my body in his direction and he shook his head.

"What countries are you going to?" he asked. I huffed at the question, I already told him this, which means he is trying to prove a point and unluckily for me, he's usually right.

"France, London, San Francisco, and... Russia," The gears started to turn in my head. I swear you could see a light bulb illuminate at that moment in time. "Holy shit!" my previous frown turned into a beaming smile and Robbie chuckled.

"I'll be fine on my own, and you two can go soul searching," Robbie spoke with a smile and got out my travel suitcase for me, placing it on the neatly made-up bed.

"Would she want to go back there?" I contemplated and Robbie tilted his head in thought.

"You'd have to ask," he sums up and I nod.

"Thanks, bub," I smile and chastely plant a kiss on his lip, running off to pack my suitcase since I leave in 2 days.



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