Part 12- Robbie

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Lizzie's POV

"Goodnight, Tatiana," I proceeded to close the door but stopped when I heard no response. I sighed in defeat, a wave of sorrow filled my chest. My fingers tightened around the doorknob as I prayed for another result.

"... Goodnight," I heard her whisper and a small smile tucked at my lips. I nodded my head towards her and closed the door, leaning my forehead against it with a silent thanks to god.

It's been a week since she broke her arm, and still, she will only talk if she needs to. Shooting has been called off for Tatiana until her arm is better since editing would take a few months anyway. I made my way into the living room, where Robbie was spread out along the couch and watching TV. I sauntered up to him and sat down on his lap, cuddling up to him in fatigue. His knuckles pushed up and down my spine, causing me to relax into him. "Does she know yet?" Robbie asked soothingly, his voice coarse, laced with exhaustion.

"No, I'll tell her tomorrow," I mumbled into his chest and I started to sob. Robbie noticed my breathing become unsteady and glanced down to notice silent tears fall onto his grey t-shirt.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, upset for me.

"Everything," I wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my head into his shoulder. "Why is she doing this? I can't deal with it much longer, Robbie," My silent tears turned into an ugly hyperventilation.

"Maybe it goes deeper than just a broken arm, maybe it goes deeper than all of us," he suggested and I started to replay her broken expression on the day it happened in my mind. I pulled back from our hug and Robbie wiped my tears with his thumbs, giving me a small sympathetic smile.

"What do you think happened?" I asked, curious. I still don't know much about the mysterious girl, nothing from before I found her.

"I don't know, you'll have to ask her yourself," he answers sweetly, his voice soft and caring. I nod lightly and he plants a kiss on my forehead, making me feel all warm inside again for once. "How about we head to bed?" he suggests and I nod again. Robbie reached for the TV remote and turns it off, leaving the crackling fire the only source of light. I climb off of Robbie and offer a hand to him, pulling him up off the couch. We walk slowly up the stairs, hand in hand. I can't help but frown, letting my head hang, but Robbie lifts my chin up and wraps an arm around my shoulder. "I'm here for you," he says quietly into my ear and I lean my head on his shoulder, feeling the drowsiness hit me.

"Thank you, babe," I rest my hand on the small of his back and headed into our room, closing the door behind us.

                                               ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── 

Tatyana's POV

I came to my consciousness and sat up in my bed. feeling my arm starting to ache like usual. I stumbled out of my room, after trying to open my door for a good five minutes and made my way to the kitchen. I didn't know what time it was but the sun was barely peaking up above the horizon, so if I had to make a bet I would say, early. Today I had kinder and acting class, ugh. Don't get me wrong, I love learning new things and getting to act, but I like spending time with Jenny more. She was the only one who understood me fully, to an extent where I didn't have a barrier blocking me like I have with Elizabeth and Robbie.

I don't really like Robbie, he did nothing wrong though. It's just that he's... male. And with Elizabeth, she reminded me of someone I try to block out. Jenny has asked me now and then why I was so distant with Elizabeth but I always avoided the subject as a whole.

Anyway, I'm hungry! I opened the fridge and saw the milk on the top shelf, damn it. I looked around the kitchen for something to stand on and decided to go for a stool from the bench. I pushed the chair over to the fridge and it made a loud squeaking noise against the tiles. I climbed up on the stool and leaned forward to get the milk. I pulled the milk from the shelf and it was sooo heavy. I tried to put it on the counter next to me but the stool started to lean to the side.

The milk made it onto the counter but I fell off the chair and went falling to the ground. Just before I went splat, firm hands clamped around my good arm, bringing me up. I looked up to see Robbie bring me into his body so I wasn't left hanging. He put me down and picked the stool up off the ground again. "Be careful next time, Tatyana," his voice was laced with worry as he kneeled down in front of me, checking if I was okay. "Are you hurt?" he asks me and I shake my head 'no'.

"I'm hungry," I pointed to the milk and he nodded with a relieved smile

"Okay, go sit down," he asked and I ran off to go to sit at the other side of the bench, climbing onto yet another stool. "Coco pops?" he questioned from the food cupboard and I nodded.

"Yes, pwease," I bit my lip as he poured the cereal into the bowl, then added the milk after. He slid the bowl over to me, followed by a spoon and I started shoving it into my mouth, famished. Robbie soon sat next to me with a weird-looking cereal, I've never seen it before. "What's that?" I asked, curious about the new mixture of food.

"This is yoghurt with fresh fruit and whole grain," he answered kindly and gave me his spoon that had a bit of everything on it, including a blueberry. I hesitated before taking the spoon carefully off of him and placing it into my mouth, letting the flavour explode onto my tongue. I started chewing the delicious cereal and a huge smile made its way onto my face. "Like it?" he asked and takes the spoon from me, taking another bite himself.

"Very much, spasibo," I bowed my head in thanks and he smiled, pushing the bowl between us and taking my spoon out of my empty coco pops bowl, giving it to me. I smiled while biting my lip at him and took the spoon, us both taking another bite from his bowl of goodies. 



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