Part 38 - Court rooms

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(Let's pretend this is how a court is, okay? Yeah Nah, too lazy to do multiple days on this lol)

Lizzie's POV

"You may be seated," The female judge walks into the deadly silent courtroom and sits down, followed by everyone else taking their seats too.

"Good morning, your honour. This is the case of Tatyana Vorobyev," A police officer gives a folder to the judge and she takes it quickly.

"Thank you, good day everyone I am judge Mitchel but will be addressed as your honour," The judge flicks through the pages of the case and the room bids a small 'good day' back "From my understanding Katrina Vorobyev, the biological grandmother to the girl, is battling Mrs Olsen and Mr Arnett for 100% custody of Tatyana, am I correct?"

"Yes, your honour," Her lawyer speaks for her, the man well presented and neat.

"Alright, can you please read out your testimony Ms Vorobyev?" She asks politely and Tatiana's grandmother stands up, reading off of a piece of paper.

"I am the mother of Tatyana's father and have realised my precious granddaughter is being used for fame and money, already working a 9 to 5 job in the acting career. Mrs Olsen is a well-known celebrity but I don't believe that gives her the right to take and keep my child away from me. I love Tatyana with all my heart, and it hurts so much to be away from her for this long. The adoptive mother even refused to let me see her after I begged her on multiple accounts. In this hearing, I would like to persuade the jury to let this scared little girl be with her beloved babushka," The woman lied through her tear, a couple of tears present in her speech. I rolled my eyes at the statement, geez, no wonder where Tatiana got her acting skills.

"Alright thank you, and now the defence please," The judge looked over to Tatiana and Robbie as I stood up. Tatiana was sitting on Robbie's knee, it was the only way she agreed to come into the room.

"Good evening, I am Elizabeth Olsen and this is my lovely husband Robbie Arnett. I found Tatiana on my way home from work, cold, and servery malnourished, I have a doctor's note to prove that as well." I held up the page and a guard offered to take it up to the judge for me. She looked over the document and nodded, wanting me to continue. 

"This child has finally found comfort and a family to confide in, before this she has told us she was in an abusive relationship with her father. I cried when I found out exactly what used to happen there, but felt like I made a difference in how comfortable she was with me and my family. When I first introduced Tatiana to my family, I noticed her fear around men, in this case, my husband. As you can see behind me, she has learnt to trust and love again out of this limited time with us. I will fight for this little girl because no one else will, her grandmother hasn't seen this kid since she was born and only decided to say something about it now when she started acting. Thank you," I sat down, the judge and jury listened to my every word as Robbie reached for my hand, squeezing it in comfort. Tatiana climbed from him to sit in my lap, hugging me sweetly. I kissed her head and she buried her head in my chest, the judge watched our every move, a small smile on her lips seeing our interaction.

"Thank you, Mrs Olsen. Would Mr Arnett like to say anything?" she offered and Robbie's face dropped to panic since he hadn't prepared anything. "I know only one parent has to speak but I would love to hear a little move about this arrangement,"

"Of course, your honour." Robbie stood up, clearing his throat. "I understand that Tatiana's blood family would want her, but if you can see she is unbelievably happy here why would you take her away from that? I know Tatiana better than anyone here and want to say I always will even if she does leave us one day. No one would know how to make her pasta the way she likes it, no one would know she gets nightmares and the only thing that gets her back to sleep is reading her the little caterpillar, no one would know when she is really happy one little dimple shows in her smile. I see Tatiana more than a little girl, I see her as a best friend, a daughter, and more importantly a part of my family." Robbie finished with a tear in his eye, how does he do that?

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