Part 37- Family

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Lizzie's POV

Easter Sunday came and went so quickly, spending time with my sisters was well overdue so I am glad to have had this opportunity. Tatiana and I waved goodbye to the twins late Sunday afternoon as they flew back to New York for a fashion shoot next week. Tatiana was upset to see them go, but she made MK promise to come back before her birthday which made the departure easier.

This next week is pretty busy with Tatiana's last reshoots on Monday, and Tuesday's first day in court, and my little girl starts riding lessons Thursday afternoon, I'm so proud.

"What's for dinner?" I hear the kid call from her room and I sigh, this question is asked almost as if it was a part of her normal routine.

"Salad and fish!" I call back, getting Robbie to stir the bowl of leafy greens as I open the oven door to see the cooked fish. I just late everything up, and as a replacement for the fish, I made myself potato fritters. 

"Ooooh, yummy!" Tatiana sees her plate and sits next to Robbie at the table, practically drooling at the sight of the seafood. This child and baked fish, seriously.

"It does, so let's not wait! Yeah, mom?" Robbie joins in and looks over to me as I sit down opposite them, placing 3 sets of cutlery down in front of us.

"Of course, but dad needs to cut your fish for you though," I remind him as I start eating and he sighs, earning a small smirk to find its way onto my face. 

"Thank you!" Robbie finished cutting the meat and handed the girl a fork. He sends me an unimpressed look as I shove a mouthful of potato into my mouth, smirking in a sense of victory.

"You're welcome, Tattie," he smiles and messes her hair up, resulting in the four-year-old swatting his hand away playfully.

"Anyways, so tomorrow is our last day going to film. What would you like to do in celebration?" I ask, riling her up a bit.

"Ice cream!!!" She announces and I chuckle with a nod.

"Okay, sure." I smile lovely towards her, enjoying the moments with her as my nerves grow for the upcoming custody battle. My eyes drop to my plate, saddened by the thought of the possibility of losing her in a matter of a week, the chances are not so great for us.

"Liz?" Robbie asks me, snapping my attention back to my family. I hum in question with a small smile as they both look at me attentively.

"Tatiana asked if she could get blueberry flavoured ice cream," he lets me know gently and I sigh, shifting my focus to the girl.

"I'm sure we can find it for you, my favourite flavour is spiced pumpkin," I playfully speak and Tatiana makes a disgusted face.

"Ewwww!!! That's gross mommy!" She scolds and Robbie laughs.

"Hey! Don't knock it until you try it, missy!" I defend and Tatiana shakes her head with a big smile.

"No way in the world I am eating that, I don't even like regular pumpkin," she folds her arms over her chest and I scrunch my nose with an adoring smile.

"Okay then, I will try blueberry if you try mine," I put my hand out over the table, an amused smile playing on my lips as the girl purses hers in thought.

"That, and an extra scoop of ice cream," she negotiated and I raised my eyebrow in challenge, slightly impressed with her.

I bit my lip in thought, squinting my eyes slightly as my kid put the smuggest look on her face.

"Deal," I accepted and she shook my hand gently, both of our acts breaking into a smile. She took a little after Ashley after our weekend together.

Monday was an emotional day for Tatiana from having to say goodbye to all of the cast and crew. She finished her last scene that was played with only Aaron for a cute little end credit. I loved watching her do her thing with Aaron as if she wasn't even acting.


'Why is your hair white?' the girl asked as she took a huge bite of a taco, dropping half the filling on the plate.

'It's blonde,' he replies with an annoyed tone, continuing to eat as silence filled the room.

'Are you a yeti?' she asks randomly and Pietro's face fills with confusion.

'Do I look like one?' he asks, eyeing the girl as she takes an obnoxiously loud sip of her coke.

'Yes.' She nods, deadpanning, her Russian accent making it sound funnier than it is.

'Well, you look like an elf,' he fires back and she tilts her head to the side, narrowing her eyes.

'Nope, I'm a fairy,' she disagrees calmly, wiping her face with a nearby napkin.

'Too bad, you are an elf,' he steals the napkin from the girl roughly and uses it.

'and you're so ugly you make blind kids cry' she leans her head on her hands and Pietro's eyes widen.

'... Where is your off button?' He looked so confused as Wanda walked in, picking Sophie up and carrying her out of the room. At the end of the scene, Pietro was pouring himself a shot of vodka and drinking it down.


"And that's a wrap on Lizzie, Aaron and our little Tatiana!" The crew call and Tatiana giggles as I swing her around playfully. After getting changed and make-up cleaned off, we said goodbye to the cast and crew there. Tatiana gave a big hug to Jenny, demanding to see her again which was promised by the woman to the young girl's delight.

Tatiana skipped out to the car park with her hand securely in mine as we made our way to the car, the midday sun beaming down on us.

"What do we do now, mama?" the girl asks from the backseat as I close the driver's seat door behind me.

"How about thatice creamm?" I ask, the young girl cheering in my rearview mirror.

"Yes, please! Yummy," she chuckles, before going to look out the window at the busy LA streets with a permanent smile on her face.

After Ice cream, I dropped Tatiana off with Robbie at his music studio while I met with the lawyers to prepare for the big trial tomorrow.



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