Part 24- Unwanted Questions

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Tatiana and I were driven to my next convention in the city no other than, Paris. The city of perfume and clothing, that's what my sisters always described it as whenever I asked.

Like normal, I was given a set of clothes to change into before going into the press conference, and Tatiana would sit on the side with a crew member while she played games on her iPad. There wasn't much I could do other than that, normally if I could, I would get Tom or Aaron to look after her but Aaron was going onstage with me. And for Tom, he is currently in a hotel room, asleep. Only Aaron and I were being interviewed today for a total of 60 minutes.

The interviewer asked various questions about filming, how we landed the roles, and the cast all up. 

Everything was fine until we got to the unplanned questions from the public, these always turn a bit awkward if you get an opinionated person on the stand.

"For Miss Olsen, I saw that you have an adoptive daughter, Tatiana. Can you not have children?" A man no older than 20 asked and my jaw dropped, the audacity of this dude!

"I um" I started and Aaron was looking over at me worriedly. "There is no problem with me having kids, but I don't see how that is for the public to know," I got a little defensive and the room went silent.

"Sorry about that," the interviewer whispered over to me and I nodded slightly. "Okay, let's look at the exciting news of that! You have a beautiful little girl named Tatiana, how old is she?" He asked and a smile came onto my face once again just by talking about her.

"She is four, and turns 5 in 3 or so months," I answer and the crowd cheer.

"Do you have her here today with you by any chance?" He asked with a huge smile, which I reciprocated politely.

"I do, yep, she's just behind me on her iPad," I giggle and Aaron nods.

"Can we see her?" He asks and I get nervous. What do I do? Aaron taps my forearm to drag me out of my spiralling thoughts and nods reassuringly.

"Tat, come here," Aaron calls out to my child and she looks up from behind the curtains, then runs to us. The audience aww at her outfit as I swing her up to sit on my lap.

"Hi, what's your name?" The interviewer asks and I place my microphone in front of her.

"Tatyana," she spoke with a heavy accent and I chuckled.

"How lovely, and this is your mommy?" He asks and she nods, placing her hand against mine that are locked around her waist.

"This is Mama, and Uncle Aaron," she points to us cutely and the interviewer nods.

"Are you and Uncle Aaron close?" He asks and Aaron answers before her.

"We often create trouble together with Tom Holland," he says and the audience laughs lightly.

"Yeah, I have to keep her away from them otherwise I come back to an airhorn on my seat," I comment and they laugh harder.

"How wonderful, and a poster just dropped of the two of you playing the Maximoff twins for Marvel, how did that happen?" He asked with a surprised expression and everyone cheered at the mention of Marvel.

"Well, Joss saw Godzilla and wanted our on-screen connection but as brother and sister," I answered simply.

"Amazing, now does it feel weird kissing as husband and wife, knowing you both will be playing brother and sister?" The interview asked and Tatiana turned around to face me.

"You two kissed!?" She asked and the audience laughed.

"Yes baby, but it was only a fake kiss for my movie," I held my chuckle in and kissed her temple as she turned back around.

"That's confusing," she shakes her head and the microphone picks it up and the crowd burst out in raw of laughter. We finished up talking and the audience all lined up to ask their questions. Tatiana started twisting my rings on my fingers as she sat still on my lap.

"A question for Elizabeth or Tatiana," a young girl started and I smiled at her, showing my attention. Tatiana also lifted her head at the mention of her name. "Is she going to get into some kind of acting or dance since you did both as a kid?" 

"As if Tatiana will act, I don't know yet," I answered quickly, hoping Tatiana wouldn't spill the secret. "And I am thinking of getting her into horse riding since she is already pretty good to my surprise," I answered and Tatiana looked back at me excited. I smiled softly at the kid and kissed her forehead. Tatiana wiggled around in my lap and turns her back to the audience, wrapping her arms around my torso as she rests her head on my chest. It's been a long day, I don't blame her for being sleepy. 

"Are Tatiana and Robbie close?" Came another question and I picked up my microphone to answer.

"Yes, they get along just as well as we do but I like to think I'm her favourite, of course," I joke around and Tatiana closes her eyes, feeling drowsy.

I looked at my watch to see the interview only had 20 minutes left and sighed in relief, wanting to get back to my hotel room so I can sleep off the side effects of being in two different time zones. 

Aaron got a couple of questions as well but I think I got more about my future with Tatiana, but to be honest, I didn't mind. 

"Has your family met Tatiana yet?" Here comes the bombshell. 

"Actually no, my sisters are dying to meet her though, same with my parents," I answer and everyone seems shocked.

"So MK and Ashley haven't seen her?" The interview clarified and I nod.

"That is correct," I say with an awkward chuckle.

"I understand you are 25 years old now, did you ever think you would have kids this young?" Another asked and I huffed out a breath before answering, god these questions kill.

"Well I am in a stable relationship with a stable job, I have a husband to support me and her if needed. Look, I definitely thought I would wait until the body of my career was nearly finished so I could settle down but I wouldn't trade this up for the world. She means so much to me and Robbie, I couldn't have asked for a better best friend, and daughter," I answered and I smiled to myself, going over what I had just said publicly. Oh well, it's out there now.

"That is so sweet, and since you are younger, you will get along better when she is older," the interviewer added and I nodded. I would have been 21 when she was born. It's an acceptable age difference I guess.

"Now I don't know what the boundaries are but what about Tatiana's birth family?" He asks cautiously and I feel Tatiana shift slightly.

"I don't want to tell you a story that isn't mine, if Tatiana feels comfortable sharing it when she is older and can make her own decisions, then that's fine, but not here, not now," I shook my head and everyone nodded, accepting her boundaries, some even clapped at my words.

"I completely understand that, you are a good mother," the interviewer nodded and went to read another question for Aaron but I smirked at his last sentence. I am a good mother.

Just as the interview ended, I carried my baby with me off the stage and everyone giggled at the cute koala that was stuck to my front. 



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