Part 26- Finally Here

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"Tickets please, ma'am," The woman in front of the gate at the airport spoke with a strong French accent. I pulled out our two business class tickets and gave them to the lady as I looked down at Tatiana who was wrapped in a pink beanie and matching puffer jacket, eating a Nutella crepe I had just previously got her for breakfast. "Alright, have a lovely morning, the plane will leave for take-off shortly," She gave back our tickets and I smiled as a thank you, before taking Tatiana's hand and walking across the enclosed boarding bridge.

"How long will the flight be?" Tatiana asked nicely as we sat ourselves down after putting our carry on luggage up the top of our seats.

"A little over 3 hours," I replied and she nodded, before reaching down to her small backpack and spreading a bunch of used crayons all over her pull out table. "What are you going to draw?" I asked with a smile as she started to make the white piece of paper as colourful as a rainbow.

"Sophie," she chanted as I wiped a bit of chocolate away from the corner of her mouth.

"Sophie? Your character?" I asked, a little surprised at her choice.

"Yep! I even want to put Uncle Aaron with me," she beams and I giggle.

"Alright, baby, you can do whatever you want," I kissed the top of her head as a flight attendant started to show our section the emergency protocols.

The flight to Moscow had some turbulence, so Tatiana ended up sitting on my lap 2 hours in, but I didn't mind the extra cuddles. She soon fell asleep in my arms as I texted Robbie, he was at work but still never failed to keep the conversation going.

"Excuse me, we are preparing for landing so it would be safer if your daughter is sat in her seat," A flight attendant tapped me on my shoulder and I took out my headphones that were playing a quiet podcast.

"Of course, thank you, miss," I nodded and she walked off. I looked down at the child to see her face was buried in my jacket, arms under mine and legs wrapped around my torso. I smiled at her sight and began to gently call her name to wake her. "Tatty, you have to open your eyes now," I whisper to her and push a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She started to fuss and I let her wake up by herself.

After the seatbelt light went on, she rubbed her eyes with a yawn and I told her what was happening. The four-year-old reluctantly was strapped into her seat before we went into a slow descent.

The crew thanked us all as we walked out of the now grounded plane, and we made our way into the Sheremetyevo Airport. 

We were finally here, Russia.

A driver picked us up from the airport and we started to drive to the morning show that Aaron and I have to appear on before another press conference with the whole marvel cast. I can see Tatiana is tired in the car so I let her lay her head on my lap, which she seemed to need since she fell right back asleep.

We pulled up to the building and I carried Tatiana in my arms to my dressing room, since I didn't want to wake her. I put the small girl gently down on my couch and went to get changed into a white pantsuit that was laid out for me to wear, it had a v neck, down to my stomach, and a dress jacket that shows a little cleavage. A soft knock sounded at my door and I opened it to see a couple of women with huge cases of what I assume is make-up.

"Hi, come in," I stepped aside for the ladies and they all came in, and set their gear up on a nearby desk. They sat Tatiana and smiled, starting to whisper so they don't disturb her. Both of them talked to each other in what I'm guessing to be Russian, and sometimes asked me questions in English.

"How are you liking Russia?" Now I know her name is Maria, a lady asked me as she blended in some foundation on my skin.

"I haven't seen much, I just arrived under an hour ago, but it's pretty good so far," I answered, and they chuckled.

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