Part 29- Compromise

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Lizzie's POV 

"Karina Vorobyev, the proven grandmother or Tatyana Vorobyev, is choosing to fight for custody of the minor in the law of court." The policeman gave me a stack of papers, summoning me to court in 2 months, in the time between Tatiana had the choice to stay where she wanted to but had to have weekly check-ups to make sure she was alright.

I accepted all of the terms and conditions of Tatiana staying with me, not wanting to fight even more with an already unjust battle. "Yes sir, thank you" I nodded as he let us out of the room. "We both live in L.A. so I can't stay here," I mention as I am filling out my application for release.

"Okay, you will have to list your local police department here," he pointed to another box and I wrote it down swiftly. "You both are free to go, and the opposing side would like privileged visits with Tatiana," he took the papers from me and my jaw dropped.

"Urm, excuse me?" I asked, not wanting to imagine the words that will come out of his mouth next.

"She wants to see her at least for an hour per week before the court hearing," he clarified and I nodded, spinning my heels to walk out faster than Usain Bolt ever could.

                                               ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


I couldn't get Tatiana and me on a plane to America faster, we went straight to the airport to catch the first flight out. My interviews were done but some of the other cast had some left. The flight was long and boring, but all I wanted to do was see Robbie again. After we arrived, a driver was waiting for us to be picked up. The drive home was nothing short of 20 minutes.

My driver pulled our bags from the trunk and walked them up to our door for me as I carried Tatiana into the quiet house. "Robbie!?" I called and I heard something fall from the kitchen, followed by a cuss word.

I followed the annoyed mumbling to find my husband cleaning up a shattered glass jar. He looked up to see us both and a huge smile came to his face, jumping up from the floor and stepping over the mess as if it was never there.

"Oh thank god, I was so worried," he pulled Tatiana and me into a hug since she was balanced on my hip, I closed my eyes at the contact, taking in his scent, feeling whole again. "How are you both?" He asks, smiling at the small girl. She held her arms out to him, wanting him to take her. He complies and swings the small girl into his body, letting her bury her face into his jumper.

                                               ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


I sat on the sofa after dinner, watching the news as Robbie came back into the room quietly.

"She's asleep," he speaks softly and I smile, nodding in acknowledgment. I hold my arms out open for a hug and he wraps his arms around me, his legs tangled in mine on the couch.

I play with his hair as he turns his head to the side of my chest, I really missed this...

"Marvel has called Tat back in to finish off some scenes and retakes," I break the silence and he hums. But soon, once again there is only the faint sound of the news reporter and a crackling fire.

"She can't leave us, I see her as more than a little girl that we found. I... I see her as our daughter, Liz," Robbie sighed and I saw his eyes were glossing over. I hugged his head and rested my chin in his hair.

The Little Girl Left in the Dark (Elizabeth Olsen X daughter)Where stories live. Discover now