Part 8- Sophie

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Double upload to make up for the wait, hehe, sorry

Lizzie's POV

"Pizza?" I asked the girl that was currently switching through the channels of the TV. We were sitting on the couch, watching TV together but there was nothing on.

"I wanna watch your movies!" she wines and gives me the remote to put them on.

"Most of them aren't age-appropriate for you, darling," I lifted her onto my lap and she pouted, turning on full puppy eyes mode. "No, don't do that." I closed my eyes and I felt her wrap her arms around my torso, laying her head on my chest.

"Pwease?" she begged but I had to remain strong.

"I haven't done any kid movies, bub," I hug her back and lean my cheek on the top of her head.

"Why not?" she wines again and I chuckle.

"Because I didn't think I would have a kid so soon!" I laughed out and picked up the TV remote, starting to flick through the channels.

"How old you?" she couldn't find the middle word but I understood what she was asking.

"25," I answered and kissed her forehead. "I also wanted to ask you something," I turned the Television off and lifted Tatiana off of my chest so she was looking at me. "Do you want to do what I do?" I asked and she looked confused. "Do you want to act, uh, like how I play Wanda," I tried to simplify and somehow she got it.

"Like play in movie?" she asked while tilting her head and I nodded. "Yes," she smiled and a wave of relief came over me. "Can I?" she asked excitedly.

"Alright, so you would be able to play a small girl onset with me in the movies, but, you would have to go to acting classes to learn," I explained it slowly but her smile just got wider and wider with every word.

"Like more school?" she asked and I nodded, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "YES!" she pumped her fists in the air and I laughed at her goofiness.

"I'm glad, sweetie," I pulled her into a hug, which she wrapped her legs around my waist in return.

"Thank you, mama," I smile at her and pull back from the hug. "You're the best,"

"I am, aren't I?" I hummed in agreement and she nodded. "I think you can watch one movie from when I was younger than you," I thought about it and she beamed, turning herself around to face the TV, waiting for me to put it on. "It has my sisters more than me though,"

"Sister?" Tatiana turned her head towards me in shock.

"I have 2 sisters and a brother," I tell her and she smiles, turning back to the TV and laying her head on my shoulder.

"I want to meet them," she whispers as the movie starts and I hum in acknowledgment. 

                                               ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── 

"Morning," I open the door to Tatiana's room and she is already awake, lying in bed and staring at the ceiling.

"Morning," she spoke gruffly with her thick accent.

"Ready to get up?" I asked and went to her closet, going through the hanging clothes.

"Yes," she jumped off her bed and ran up behind me, watching me go through some casual tops.

"Is this good?" I asked and gave her a pair of jeans and a green top, she smiled and nodded. "Cereal in 5," I left the room and closed the door after me, heading to the kitchen for her to get changed.

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