Part 25- Adventures in Paris

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Lizzie's POV ;)

I woke up to a hungry child to feed this morning, similar to most of my mornings lately. Today I had a day off from interviews before having to fly to Russia for our last press conference.

"Mama! The pink with bunnies, or the grey with strips?" Tatiana came running into my room with two of her favourite dresses as I packed an out bag for us.

"The grey, baby," I decided and she smiled before running off to her room. My phone started to play a tune I only knew too well, I pulled my phone out to see Mary Kate was FaceTiming me.

"Hey sis!" 2 smiles popped up on my screen and I sat down on my bed to take the call.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I ask and I hear my mother in the background, asking Ash to do something. "Wait, where are you?"

"We are both at mom's house for dinner, but we were calling to ask a favour," MK followed Ashley into the kitchen were my mom was cooking away at the stovetop.

"Hey mom!" I call from the phone and she waves to me before the phone is turned back around to a certain twin. "Yeah sure, what do you need?" I remembered what she had said and grew curious.

"3 of our models pulled out last minute for the row fashion show that is being held the next day you get back, we have 2 sub-ins but can't find another." MK explains with a stressed expression and I can't help but feel bad for them both, they have worked day on and out to get their line to success.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry," I sympathise and a screaming girl comes bursting into my room.

"Mama! I can't find my iPad!" She pouts and I look around the room.

"It's in my drawers," I point and she runs over to it before pulling the desired electronic out, a smile instantly coming to her face.

"Is that my niece?!" I hear Ashley steal the phone from MK and I flip the camera for them to see the toddler climb onto the bed next to me and ask for the iPad password. "Mom! Come here for a sec!" MK calls and I laugh.

"Do you want to say hi to my sisters and mama?" I ask Tatiana quietly and she looks down to the iPad before tossing it aside and sitting in my lap.

"Okay," she chants with enthusiasm and I couldn't help but beam at the cute girl as I wrap my arms around her torso and flip the camera back to us. I see my mom come into frame and instantly gasp at the child.

"Oh oh oh, HI!" Ashley waves and they all gush at her.

"Omg Liz, she's literally the cutest child I have ever seen," my mom comments and the twins stopped what they were doing, and slowly turned to look at the older woman. I giggled at the interaction and Tatiana tilted her head slightly to the side.

"Tatiana, this is Auntie MK, Auntie Ashley and Nanna," I pointed to them and they waved.

"But... they look the same," Tatiana whispered to me but the phone picked it up.

"That's because we-" Ash giggled

"Are twins!" MK finished and Tatiana nodded in confusion.

"Don't worry, baby, I'll explain later," I whispered in her ear and she smiled at the 3 virtual people on my screen.

"Hi, I'm Tatiana," she waved adorably and my sisters awed. 

"Too cute, she has such a doll face," Ashley complimented and I nodded in agreement.

"I was going to ask if you would fill in for our missing model but now I want Tatiana," MK joked as my mom went back to cooking before she burnt anything.

"Haha, of course I will fill in, I'll fly out to New York from Russia before going to L.A.," I planned out and Tatiana's head snapped back to meet my eye line.

"Russia?" She questions and I nodded.

"We are going there tomorrow for more of my interviews," I confirmed and her face had an unreadable expression on.

"Oh... okay," she turned her head to look off frame at a nearby wall, staring of into space.

"Um, so I'll see you girls there, you too mom!" I called out and I heard a faint 'love you' coming from the other room. The twins and I said our goodbyes before I entered the iPad password and logged into Tatiana's language apps, and offered it to her.

"No, thank you, mama," she shook her head, refusing the iPad and jumped off of the bed. 

"Are you okay, Tatiana?" I asked, worried from the drop in her mood and she nodded.

"I... can I just have a hug?" She asked in the most cutest tone and I laughed. I swung her up to my hip and she wrapped her small arms around my neck and I held her petite body close to mine.

She was small, but I was so proud that she had gained enough weight to be healthier from when I first found her. My doctor told me to get her past a certain weight, and we just hit it last week, making me feel complete. 

It was the most heartbreaking thing to here my doctor predict she probably got 1 meal a day before, but I'm just so grateful that she has found a happy and safe home now with Robbie and me.

"Alright, how about we head out? I have a surprise for you," I pull back and her face light up.

"What is the surprise?" She asked in a whisper and I giggled, before putting her down to let her out her shoes on.

I asked my driver to pull outside of our hotel, and Tatiana and I made our way down. I told my driver where to go and the ride wasn't that long, maybe 15 minutes at most.

"Where are we going?" Tatiana asked curiously as she sat on my knee since we had no car seat for her.

"To a very old place, where long ago it was built as a fortress, but later for royalty to live in, but now it is a magnificent museum for people like us to learn about the past," I explained to her in an enthusiastic voice and Tatiana smiled from ear to ear, this kid is too precious.

"I love leading!" She celebrates, "and I love old buildings," she continued, "also I love Paris, and I love you," she says sweetly and I feel my heart swell.

"I love you too, Tatty," I kissed her head and my checks start to hurt.

"Ma'am, we have arrived at the Louvre," my driver called from the front and Tatiana bounced in excitement as my door was  opened for us to exit. I climbed out of the car to see the magnificent glass square based pyramid surrounded by the old and magnificent castle like building.



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