Part 18- Life before an Olsen

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Tatyana's POV

August 17, 2013

 The day started like any other, Mama's arms wrapped around me and my brother as we all slept on the same bed. I wake up early to wake my mama up before papa comes home, expecting breakfast.

"Mama, я голодная," (I am hungry) I shook her awake and she opened her eyes slowly, a frown instantly coming to her face.

"дай мне минутку, татьяна," (Give me a minute, Tatyana) she whispers and sits up, waking my two year old brother up. His name is Leo, but I call him Lev since I couldn't pronounce it went he was born, but I stuck with the nickname since it was normal now.

"сегодня мой день рождения," (It's my birthday today) I smiled and my mama sighed loudly.

"поздравляю, тебе четыре года," (Congratulations, you are four years old) she speak in a monotone voice and my smile fades, feeling put down. "приступайте к сервировке стола," (start setting the table) she stands up and walks out of the room, heading to the kitchen and dinning room. I climbed out of bed and helped my brother out of the bed also. 

"Я хочу ходить с тобой в школу, сестра," (I want to go to school with you, sister) My brother speaks as we walk down the dark hallway. "однажды, брат, будь терпелив, и оно придет."(one day, brother, be patient and it will come.) I smiled down to him as he held my hand, we were in this together.

"быстро, Татьяна, накрывайте на стол, Лео обязательно помойте полы," (quickly, Tatyana, set the table, Leo, be sure to wash the floors) My mama moved quickly around the kitchen, making everything perfect for when my father comes home from his work. Papa normally leaves for work after we go to sleep and comes home when the sun starts to rise, meaning we have to be up an hour before him. 

We all live in the middle of no where, on a farm, miles from even a gas station. 'School' is where my mother has some free time from her busy day and teaches me how to count and the Cyrillic Alphabet. I've always asked to go to real school but my papa won't allow it, and whatever he says, goes.

For fun around here, I often draw or go out to the barn and ride some of the horses. My pony's name is Tibbs, I named him of course. I started riding when I was too young to remember my first time, but I never go outside the gates of the farm, it's forbidden.

I finished setting the table just as mama served scrambled eggs and toast on the four plates in front of me. Just then, the front door opened and my mama rushed to put the pan back on the stove, then stood at the entrance of the room.

My papa sauntered in and sat at the table, looking around the room to see Leo and I standing with our heads down. My mother placed a beer in front of him and sat down, starting to eat.

"сидеть," (Sit) her ordered to my brother and me, I pulled my brother's hand to get help him onto the chair before sitting down myself. 

"как работа, дорогая?" (How was work, darling?) My mama asked and my father opened his glass bottle, taking a few huge gulps.

"я заключил сделку," (I made a deal) he started off and shook some salt and pepper onto his food. "Иван купил половину стада," (Ivan bought half the herd)

"Какой? Вы продали коров!" (What? You sold the cows!) I asked, enraged by the man I am supposed to respect. His head swung towards me, staring daggers.

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