Part 33- Just another night

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Lizzie's POV

"Can you please get Easter eggs while you are there?" I ask Robbie over the phone, he offered to stop at the shops to get takeaway from driving home from work.

"Yep, are you flying down to New York for Easter?" he asks and I hum in thought.

"No, I think they are coming down. After LA they have to fly to France for some business meeting." I answer and Tatiana comes into the kitchen, walking to the food pantry.

"Alright, I'll see you in ten minutes," he says and Tatiana climbs up to grab something from a shelf.

"Okay, bye, Love you," I follow Tatiana and peek in to see her throw some chips on the ground before jumping down herself.

"Love you," Robbie ends the call and I put my phone down on the counter.

"What are you doing, young lady?" I ask and Tatiana turns around, startled a little bit from being caught stealing food.

"I am hungry," she holds up the chips and I chuckle, shaking my head.

"Dad's going to be home with some food in 10 minutes, can you please wait?" I ask and she sighs, frowning.

"Oookay," she drags out the word and gives me the bag of chips, running out of the kitchen and into the living room. 

I put the bag back in the cupboard and walk to the living room, turning on the news since it's five o'clock as Tatiana draws with her crayons on the floor.

"A middle-aged man remains under police investigation, following a high-speed chase through eastern Los Angeles early today. Officers were first told the man was involved in a two-car crash around 9:30 am this morning, where he allegedly produced a firearm and threatened the driver of the second vehicle." The woman reported as footage of the chase was shown, Tatiana looking up in curiosity. I turned up the TV as I recognized the area he was shown in, only nearly a twenty-minute drive from here. "Police encourage citizens to report any sightings of the man immediately, and do not approach if seen."

The man's wanted poster flashes to the screen and it shows a brown-haired man with a slight stubble for a beard, his jawline was sharp and his eyebrows had multiple slits. His nearly black eyes were soulless as they stare straight into the camera. Tatiana gasps and freezes in place, eyes glued to the screen as she holds the crayon in her hand so tight, that it snaps.

"Tattie?" I call, awaiting an answer but it never came. I pushed myself off of the couch, kneeling next to her as I rub my hand along her back. She snaps out of her trance as Robbie walks through the door with a huge paper bag of McDonald's and a small Coles one in his other hand.

"Who's hungry!" Robbie sang with a smile on his face. Tatiana moved her head slightly to look him in the eyes but her mood was solemn. "Wha- What's going on?" He looks at me, confused about the situation and I shrug my shoulders, shaking my head.

"Dad..." she breathes out and a smile creeps onto her face, before jumping up to encase him in a hug. Robbie stumbled back as she clung to his legs and he smiled, messing her hair up in response.

Tatiana giggled cheekily, jumping up and down as she eyed the food. "What did you get!?" she asked, her mood giving me whiplash as Robbie leads her into the kitchen to eat, looking back to see my stunned face.

I balance myself as I get up off of the floor, and walk in to see Robbie place a happy meal in front of the little girl. Tatiana bounced in her seat at the dining table as she bypasses the food to reach for the small plastic toy.

I walked up behind Robbie, placing my hand on the small of his back. Robbie turned around to hand me a vegan burger and I smiled, kissing his cheek lovingly before getting into my meal.

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