Part 10- Lost in more ways than one

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Lizzie's POV

"Make sure she's tight," The stunt coordinator spoke to the man who was attaching Tati into a stunt harness.

"Are you alright, babe?" I asked the small girl who looked confused as to why 3 men were crowding her.

"Don't like," She shook her head and I frowned. I walked offset to the director and asked him to do another stunt.

"Is there any way to do another stunt without the wire?" I pleaded and the director sighed loudly, rubbing his eyebrows in thought.

"I can't change the script, you know how it is," he tried to politely turn me down and I nodded disappointedly.

"I get it, thanks for your time," I gave a half-smile and walked back in front of the cameras, standing opposite Tatiana. "Hey kiddo," I crouched down in front of her face and she had tears in her eyes. Naw, you're breaking my heart, Tatiana.

"Please Mom, I don't like," she wiggled in the harness and tried to shrug it off.

"I know, but can you please do it for me?" I asked too much of her and felt horrible about it. She's fucking four years old!

"I- Okay," She hung her head down as the men moved away, finished attaching the wires to her.

"Hey, look at me," I placed my finger underneath her chin and lifted her head up to meet my eyes. "It's only for 5 minutes or so, and I'll be with you every step of the way," I placed my hand on her cheek and my heart ached for the girl.

"I trust you, mama," I nodded and my lips curled into a small smile.

"Thank you, darling," I kissed her forehead and stood up, pulling her into a hug. She wrapped her small arms around my waist and buried her head into my stomach, not letting go of the black fabric I was wearing for my costume to play Wanda.

"Cameras!" The crew shouted and everyone moved off of the set except RDJ, Scarlett, Aaron and Evans. "Lights!" the blinding white lights surrounded us and were toned down to the setting appropriate to mimic the sun. "And... 3, 2, 1, action!"

                                               ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── 

Wanda ran out of the church, seeing the small girl being lifted into the air by a robot. Wanda forced the girl out of the clutches of the robot and she fell to the floor while the robot was decapitated in the air by nothing but red wisps.

"Are you Alright?" -W

"My arm!" Sophie started to cry.

                                               ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── 

"Cut!" The crew yelled as Tatiana didn't say the right line and I ran towards her. I scooped her off of the ground and look at her in fear as she cried hysterically. "Get this harness off of her!" I practically screamed at the stunt men and they ran up to us, unbuckling it. I carried her off set and sat her down in my chair.

"Tati, tell me what happened," I asked as I tucked a stray hair behind her ear. 

"My arm hurts!" she cried out and I looked down to see her left arm cradling the injured right one. I went to touch her injured arm but she pulled away, fear incasing her eyes. Her breathing became heavy and she stopped wailing, only silent tears fell down her cheeks.

"We need to get you to the hospital," I stepped forward to pick her up but she pulled away, looking down to her lap. "Tat?" I asked and Scarlett came running up to me, seeing the small girl in front of me.

"Oh my god, you scared me, Tatiana. Are okay, love?" She moved in front of the girl and took a look at her arm. I took a step back, my mind replying at the scared expression on Tatiana's face when I stepped up to her, over and over again. "It's started to bruise badly, Liz she needs to get to a-" Scarlett turned around to see me with a hurt expression, tears in my eyes.

"Can you please take her?" I asked quietly and Scarlett looked confused but still nodded and picked up Tatiana, being careful not to hurt the girl even more. I followed close behind Scarlett to the car park and unlocked my scar. Scarlett opened the backseat door and buckled Tatiana into her car seat while I stood back, watching her with an overwhelming sense of guilt.

"Come on!" Scarlett called from the driver's seat and I snapped out of my trance, getting into the passenger's seat. Scarlett pushed the quick start and began to guide the car out of the car park.

Once we made it to the nearest hospital, I got out first, making my way to the boot of the car. I opened the trunk door and grabbed 2 oversized coats, throwing one to Scarlett. She nodded in thanks and put it on, covering her leather suit. Scarlett also got Tatiana out of the car and we walked into emergency. "Hi, Tatiana, here, had a bit of a fall and her arm is now purple as you can see," Scarlett quietly told the nurse at the window and she nodded, taking a look at Tatiana's arm.

"One moment," She stood from her desk and took a few things off of the shelf next to her, then made her way out from the desk. "Please sit her here," The nurse pointed to a seat and Scarlett slowly put Tatiana down. "How did this happen?" She asked while tying a sling around the small girl's neck.

"Uh, we can't really say," Scarlett made an unsure face and the nurse scrunched her eyebrows together.

"I need to know, ma'am," She stood up from Tatiana and looked Scarlett straight in the eyes.

"A movie stunt gone wrong," I spoke up since I didn't want Scarlett to take the blame for possibly breaking the Marvel contract.

"Okay, thank you," She nodded towards me and Scarlett gave me a worried look. "Sweetie, I need to ask to a few questions if you don't mind," The nurse crouched down in front of Tatiana and smiled sweetly. Tatiana didn't show any recognition towards the woman so she just started to speak anyway. "I need you to rate the pain out of 10, so if one is no pain at all and 10 is the worst pain you've ever felt?" Again, Tatiana didn't answer and kept eye contact with the woman. "Uh, can you put down my fingers on how bad it hurts?" the woman held 10 fingers up in front of the small girl but again she just looked down at her lap. The nurse looked up at Scarlett and me in confusion.

"Tatiana," I called softly and she looked up to me. "Please? for me?" I asked again and she took a deep breath, looking back down to her lap. I felt as though my world just was turned upside down, like all the energy was drained from my body, like all my happiness was replaced with a dark, empty hole that is too big to be covered. She would always listen to me, she would always hug me when she feels unsure of a situation, she would always hold my hand when she needed comfort, she would always feel safe whenever I told her it would be okay. But, now, she won't even speak.



A huge thanks to Alexanderia for helping with the storyline and just being there for me in general. I appreciate it <3

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