Part 22- Lunch & Movies

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Lizzie's POV

After the park we both went out to lunch, since riding for 3 hours tends to leave you starving. Tatiana looked through the kid's menu as I answer a text from my publicist quickly. Nothing important, she just told me I have to do another Bobbi brown advertisement later.

"What do you want?" I ask the small girl seated opposite me and she hums in thought. I looked down to my menu too to see the multiple choices I can choose from.

"Can I please get chicken and chips?" she asks and I smile, giving a small nod.

"Of course, baby," I chuckle at her bewildered face from all of the food to choose from. "So, you know how to ride a horse?" I questioned and she nodded shyly. "How?"

"Storm always kept me safe from papa, he used to let me ride him out to the fields if papa was shouting," she smiled at the memory and I frown. I reach over the table and hold her hand in mine, as she looks up I smile sympathetically. 

"Is Storm a horse?" I ask and she nods, then turns her menu over to a colouring sheet. She excitedly spills out the cup of crayons that the waitress gave her kindly and starts to colour in a picture of the Easter Bunny. Speaking of which, Easter is only two weeks away.

"Are we ready to order, Miss?" A young woman comes up to our table with a notepad and pen, a brown apron, and her hair tied up into a messy bun.

"Yes, uh can I please get a kid's chicken nuggets and chips with water for the drinks," I ordered for the girl and she kept colouring in as the waitress jots down on her notepad. "And for me, I'll get a grilled cheese please," I ask and she looks confused.

"A cheese toastie?" she questions with an eyebrow raised. What's the difference?

"Uh yes please," I nod and she smiles before collecting my menu, and putting in our order. Tatiana starts humming to herself as she adds blue to her Easter eggs and I look around the restaurant, taking in our surroundings. I see a certain Tom Hardy sipping a cup of tea while scrolling on his phone. I forgot he lives around here. Should I say hi? No that's weird, but if I don't it's rude. What if-

"Mama?" Tatiana calls me and I snap out of my thoughts, bringing my attention to her. "Are you okay?" she laughs at my state and I give her a small smile, nodding.

"Of course," I look back over to Hardy and it seems he is leaving, few. I can't deal with my anxiety right now. A few moments later, a grilled cheese is being placed in front of me and a bowl of chips and nuggets in front of Tatiana. "Oh, thank you," I smile up at the waitress and she winks, before heading off.

"Is it good?" I ask my 4 year old as she chews on a nugget. She nods enthusiastically and I chuckle at the goofy girl. I steal a chip from her plate and pop it into my mouth, she looks up and smiles before eating a chip as well. 

I get the bill after we finish eating and we walk down the busy streets, our hotel is only 5 or 10 minutes away.

Tatiana asks if we can spend the rest of the day with Aaron and Tom, to which I of course say yes, as we get back to the hotel. I text the boys on our way up to their room and Aaron says it's fine to bring her up.

We get to their door and Tatiana knocks like Ana does on Elsa's door. I hold my laugh as I hear a knock back from the other side of the door and Tatiana beams before the door swings open to find Tom attacking my child. He swings her up and around as I slide into the room, sitting next to Aaron.

"Hey, there's my third favourite Olsen!" he greets and I roll my eyes. I bring him into a quick hug before Tatiana and Tom come running in, Tatiana on his back while giggling.

"Hey Tom," I smile and he smiles back before sitting next to me on the couch. "Movie?" I ask and I get 3 'yes'es in harmony. I snatch the remote from Aaron because knowing him, he would put something I'm in on just to piss me off.

"Hey!" he wines and I giggle.

"Sorry, but we can't watch Old boy with a four year old," I comeback and he huffs.

"Oh come on, that was one time!" he poorly defends himself and I scroll though the hotel's movie selections.

"What's Old boy?" Tom asks and I smirk.

"Nothing to worry about," I answer and I can see Aaron mouthing something to Tom. I soon put on jungle cruise and we all seem to enjoy it, even Aaron which is a miracle in itself. My phone starts to buzz halfway through and I step into a bedroom for a second before answering the phone.

"Hey," I greet my two sisters as their faces pop up on the screen since they face timed me.

"Hi Liz, tell MK that its half full instead of half empty!" I hear my lovely sister, Ashely, speak and I laugh at the two.

"It's half full," I say as she wants me too and I hear MK groan in the background before she steps in frame.

"You two are weird," she tries to keep a straight face but smiles a bit in the end. "Anyway, how's things?" she takes the phone off of her twin and I start to tell them about London.

"-and then I went horse riding with Tatiana before grabbing lunch," I finish my summary of the past 3 days and the twins nod.

"How cute is our niece?" Ashley squeals and I chuckle.

"Pretty fucking cute," I answer and MK laughs.

"Can we see her soon?" they ask and make an unsure face. "Oh come on! Mom wants to see her most," Ashley begs and I shake my head.

"I want her to just get used to us before meeting my whole family. She finds it hard to meet new people, it took her 2 months just to say a word to Robbie and they were living together," I reason and Ashley pouts, but MK has an understanding expression on her face. "I don't want her to be overwhelmed, that's all,"

"Can we see her for Easter then?" Ash asks and I nod.

"Yeah, that will be alright," I agree and they both celebrate, making me smile at their childish behaviour. "Alright girls, cya," I wave and they say their goodbyes. 

"Bye Liz!" MK waves and ends the call. I walk back out to the living room to see Tatiana upside down in Aarons arms, laughing her head off. I chuckle at the sight and move to the kitchen to order some food in.

Tonight was our last night in this beautiful city since tomorrow is a thankfully short flight to France. This is the last stop before we finally get to go to the one place I want to go most, Russia.



A/N: I changed Part 14 a bit so Tatiana got her cast off before travelling, it only seems right even though it is not logical lol. Also, somehow part 11 moved to part 15's spot magically, meaning I had to spend 20 minutes trying to get it back. Thankfully I worked it out.

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