Part 7- Big News

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(Sorry for the long wait)

Lizzie's POV

"And cut!" I heard the cameramen yell out. I just finished a scene where Wanda stops a train in an effort to save a bunch of people's lives.

 "Take 20 people, and Lizzie? Kevin needs you in his office." The director called out to everyone onset, I was slightly scared to go to see Kevin Feige since I thought I did something wrong.

I nodded to the busy man and started to walk offset, and out of the huge warehouse-type building. I knocked on the door nervously as I reached Kevin's office, I heard a muffled voice behind the door telling me to come in.

"Ah, Elizabeth, nice to see you," he stands from his desk to be polite.

"Thank you for inviting me," I nodded my head and he gestured for me to sit down as he did so too.

"Don't worry, you aren't in trouble or anything, Liz," it was like he read my mind and a sudden wave of relief washed over me.

"Thank god for that," I laughed out and Kevin smiled.

"No, no, no, nothing like that," he shook his head in assurance. "But, I did want to pitch a crazy idea to you," he continued and I tilted my head with a small smirk.

"Oh?" I tried to hide my smile and he laughed.

"Look, I know this is your first movie with Marvel, but I already feel as though you and Tatiana are a part of the MCU family," he started and I nodded in acknowledgment to show I was paying attention to the conversation. "And I know it's crazy but I think it would really work and be beneficial to all of us, including you and Tatty," he seemed nervous as if I might turn it down. I hummed to try to speed things up and he finally let it out.

"Um, okay, I called you here to discuss an idea that the team and I had about Tatiana playing the role of a little girl that is found by the Avengers, and grows up in the background for a couple of years." he calmly told me but with anxiously playing his wedding ring on his finger. I was in pure shock for a couple of seconds before I could respond and he thought I hated the idea. "Of course, If it's a no-" He started to wave his hands around but I cut him off.

"I- I think that's a great idea," I finally got the words out of my mouth and he smiled from ear to ear. "I'll ask her," I nodded and was still in awe of the situation.

"Great, that's all I ask and if you decide that she's too young and, y'know the paps, then let me know," he spoke with a gentle and understanding tone and I nodded, eyes coming down to process the information being handed to me.

"And, when would she start if we agreed?" I asked and he opened up a book in front of him on his desk.

"Uh, at the end of this movie, she would be found during the battle of Sokovia," he confirmed and I nodded, wow that's early.

"She doesn't even know how to act," I thought aloud and he nodded.

"Yes, I would have to ask that you put her in a couple of acting classes if you do choose to take this offer," he admitted and I nodded, it wasn't a deal-breaker since I started my acting journey even younger than her.

"Alright, uh- Thank you!" I laughed out and he did so too.

"No, thank you, and I hope for the best with this decision," he stood up and walked me to the door, opening it for me.

"Bye, Kev," I waved and left, hearing a faint 'goodbye' from the doorway. 


Tatiana was just asked to be in an MCU project as a returning cast member. What do I do? Is she too young for this? What if she doesn't like acting? I shut my thoughts out and decided to get a second opinion, and who better than that than my overprotective, mothering, opinionated favourite person, Scarlett. 

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