Part 30 - Nightmares

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A/N: Part 30! I can't believe we are here already, but I would have never had without all of your support and love for the book.

Thank you all so much, and I promise things will start to get a little more... juicy soon. 😏🥰

Enjoy xx -S

Tatyana's POV

"Татьяна, иди приведи отца на обед," (Tatyana, go bring your father in for lunch) my mother called to the barn, where I am busy with washing the horses.

I sigh and put the body brush down next to the curry comb. "плохо вернусь, мальчик," (I'll be back, boy,) I whisper to Storm and he nicked in response. I smile and run out of the run-down barn, holding my straw hat as I ran through the wheat fields to go fetch the man who is repairing a damaged fence from a rouge black bear last night.

"Papa!" I call and he turns around, hours of sweat dripping from his body as the sun blasts down on us. "что это такое?" (What is it?) he asked with a gruff voice, panting air from the hard labour before.

"Обед," (Lunch) I responded and he nodded, dropping his tools. He picked me up on his way, balancing me on his hip as we walk back to the house, our mother dressing my brother on the changing table as I sit in my usual spot.

"Скоро ждем ягненка, сегодня вечером придется перевезти его в сарай, пока мать не родит." (We are expecting a baby lamb soon, we will have to move it to the barn tonight until the mother gives birth.) My father picks up some small talk as my mother serves salad on my plate. The lettuce, carrots, cucumber and tomato from our farm, the feta cheese from our cows, and the dressing is a drizzle of oil and some salt and pepper. For meat, we bought some chicken from a nearby market along with dinner bread.

This was all before my father started to drink.

Once he did, the fence was never mended, the crops were never picked, food was never traded, and the land was never harvested. Causing us to lack important needs, such as food, water, and overall, money.

(Time jump)

The wind moved freely through my hair, Storm and I, papa's horse, galloped further and further into the upcoming wilderness. The mountains scaled up and down, making the both of us seem belittled compared to the monstrous landscape.

I feel as though I am flying through a sea of air, looking down on the world I call 'home', wishing to be as free as an eagle that flies over my head. The fresh morning air flows throughout my lungs effortlessly as the morning sun paints the sky pink to celebrate the start of a beautiful new day ahead of us.

Once again, I woke up to get my chores done briskly so I could take off on Storm without my papa even knowing he is gone.

My stomach grumbles at the lack of food and I frown, knowing Storm is worse than me. I lean down to hug his neck, always letting me.

Storm and I grew close, no words needed to be exchanged for he understood my every thought, and so did I.

I like to teach him tricks, and practice under a lovely cherry blossom tree nearby, it was planted alone on top of the highest hill to oversee the valley that surrounds its wise roots.

"приходить," (Come) I call as I walked under the cherry blossom. Storm lifts his head from eating a bunch of wild weeds, and walks slowly up to me, leaning his head down to my level. I laugh as he kisses me lightly, "хороший мальчик" (Good boy) I whispered, ruffling his forelock

"вверх," (Up) I called and he lowered his head, letting me lean against his neck before he lifts and makes me slide down it to lay down on his back, looking up to the clear, blue skies. I sighed in contentment, the warmth on my skin, the slight movement of Storm and the slight breeze that kisses my rosy cheeks.

I reached up above my head to grab onto a tuff of his tail hair and uses it as support as I summersault backward off of his rear end.

Storm doesn't seem to mind as he rips a mouthful of grass out of the earth, minding his business. I whistle and he turns around to me, I've trained him to respond to different whistles and luckily he listens to me if anyone else tried then he wouldn't.

I tap his stomach twice, and he bends his leg, allowing me to use it as a step since he is so tall. I settle on his bare back and take his lower mane into my hands, before squeezing his sides gently, starting our adventure back home.

(Time jump)

"Ты крыса!" (You rat!) my father calls from the other room and my eyes widen, knowing I did something wrong somehow. "Татьяна, иди сюда!" (Tatyana, come here!) 

I ran to my mama and hid my face in her skirt, hiding from papa. She looked confused as he stormed into the kitchen, looking around for me.

"почему животные все в дальнем поле?! Вам сказали привести их прошлой ночью!" (why are the animals all out in the far field?! You were told to bring them in last night!) He finds me and forces my mama away from me, screaming with pure anger towards me. The alcohol laces his breath poisons that air around me, tears run down my face as he screams more and more, calling me names, and telling me how useless I am.

                                               ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────


"Tatyana? Tatyana!" I jump up to see Robbie sitting on the side of my bed, looking worriedly at my panting and pleading eyes. Tears start to brim in my eyes as I am reminded of where I am, and Robbie's face drops to sympathy.

I wrap my arms around him and bury my head into his chest, seeking the comfort that he automatically gives me.

He shushes me soothingly and lets me wet his shirt with my streaming tears, he stays with me without asking questions.



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