Part 11- More than a Fracture

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Tatyana's POV

After a huge machine took a photo of my arm, I was led into a room where they started to put cotton on it. Scarlett and Elizabeth were beside me the whole way but they never spoke to each other. 

"Hello Tatyana, my name is Dr Kean and I am going to wrap your arm so it can heal," a man who looked around 25 came up next to me with a wide smile. He was muscular with short hair tied back into a man bun. I felt uncomfortable with him so close to me but there was nothing I could do since he was going to 'help' me. He picked up 3 rolls of plasters and held them in front of me, one was pink, one was blue, and the other I didn't know the name of the colour yet. "Which colour would you like?" he asked kindly and I liked the light blue, and the unknown one. I pointed to the third plaster and she nodded with a small smile. "Purple it is," he put the other two down and started to unwrap the purple plaster and put it under some water.

'Purple' I repeated in my head so I didn't forget the name, 'pur-ple'. 

"This is going to feel a little warm, then it will become hard like concrete," he explains and puts the first layer over the cotton sleeve on my arm. What is 'concrete'? At this point, I just nod or pretend I know what people are talking about. Once it was all wrapped up he brang up a fan beside me, facing it down towards my arm to dry the plaster. "Now, who's mom here?" The man asked the two women by my side and I looked up at both of them.

"That would be me," Elizabeth came forward from behind Scarlett with a forced small smile.

"Oh, would you like a bandaid for your forehead? It has a cut," he pointed out and she shook her head while letting out a small laugh.

"No, no, it's movie make-up, thank you," she told him nervously and he smiled.

"Alright then, Tatyana needs to have her arm elevated when she goes to bed by a pillow or blanket, the plaster cannot get wet, so no swimming or waterparks for now. For showers, I believe you can buy a plastic covering specifically made of casts. She also can have a couple of Nurofen or panadol if she feels sore, just make sure to give her the right dosage for her age." he listed off rules to her and she nodded, biting her lip anxiously while listening to every word carefully.

"Thank you, Mr Kean," She gave an appreciative smile. The Doctor nodded and looked down to hide his flustered cheeks. Uh. 

"If you need anything, just call," he gave a card over to her and she nodded, looking uncomfortable. He walked out of the room and I stood up out of the chair, being careful of my arm.

"Let's get going, shall we?" Scarlett smirked at Elizabeth and then picked up my sling from beside me, and lifted it over my neck. Scarlett picked me up and started to walk out of the hospital with Elizabeth following close behind us. It was awkward for me when Scarlett carried me since I'm not used to it, but she was my only option now. 

After what happened, all my trust in Elizabeth fell apart. It's not her fault I'm like this, it's my papa's, but no one will ever know as long as I am apart from him.

I was buckled into the car and we started to drive home, Elizabeth and Scarlett started talking but I zoned it all out, thinking of a moment similar to this from about a year ago. 

                                               ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── 

⚠Trigger Warning⚠

(Anything in cursive is Russian)

"You stupid rat! Why can't you do anything right?!" He lifted me off the ground, holding on to nothing but my wrist. His face was inches away from mine as tears dropped from my red eyes. "All I do is make sure you have a bed to sleep in, food to eat, but you still disobey me like the disobedient little rodent you are!" I could smell the alcohol that laced his breath. I whimpered as my mother ran towards me, pleading for my father to put me down. His grip tightened on my wrist and it started to ache, sending pain waves down my arm and into my shoulder.

"Please, papa," I cried out and he locked eyes with mine, waiting for a few seconds before letting go of me. I fell to the ground and on the way down my arm collided with the dining table, fracturing it so easily.

                                               ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── 

I shook the flashback out of my mind, feeling unsafe once again. I looked down to my plastered arm and traced the hard plaster, it felt ruff against my fingers as I started to tear up. 

Even after he's gone, he still has me trapped in my own memories. Will I ever escape him? Will I ever be free from his cruel and tormenting words? Will I-

"Tatyana?" I heard a voice call me and I looked up to see Elizabeth looking back from the passenger's seat. "Does it hurt?" she asked caringly, assuming my tears were from physical pain. I just nodded since it was easier, she pulled out a bottle that the doctor gave to her before we left and started to put the liquid in a small cup with numbers on the side. She then gave me the cup and I looked at her, confused as to what to do with it. "You drink it," She motioned how to drink it with her hands and I nodded, looking at the weird substance again, then downing the whole thing. It tasted like orange, it was actually quite good and I gave the cup back to Elizabeth.

Lizzie's POV

Tatiana was quiet on the way back, as expected, she was looking out the window the whole time but was occasionally adjusting her arm in the sling. Scarlett decided to drive back to set since her car was there. "Did you want to get out for a second?" I asked Tatiana and she nodded slightly. I frowned when she didn't use her words, only the bare minimum. I made my way to her door and opened it, unbuckling the car seat. I hesitated to lift her out of the seat, she sensed my pause and looked up at me. She looked as if she was contemplating her next decision. Before she could do anything, I stepped back from the door and waited for her to climb out by herself. After she finally got out, I closed the door and she trailed far behind me while we were walking back to the set.

"Lizzie!" Aaron encased me in a hug and I returned it tightly. He went to pull away but I kept my hold firm. "Are you okay?" he asked worriedly and I nodded into his chest.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I pulled back with a blank face and he scrunched his eyebrows together in concern.

"You can talk to me, Liz, I will always be here for you," he reached for my arm and lightly touched it, comforting me.

"Yeah I know," I nodded but my face scrunched up. oh boy, here come the waterworks. A few tears fell down my cheeks and Aaron shifted his stance.

"Oh Lizzie," he pulled me into another hug and I sobbed into his chest. "You're okay," he soothed and embraced me caringly.

"No, I'm not," I spoke between gasps for air and he squeezed me tighter. "She doesn't trust me anymore!"



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