Part 19- Food Fights

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Happy April Fools!

Lizzie POV

I woke up to Tatiana jumping on my bed. God, it's too early for this.

"Mama, mama, mama," Tatiana spoke each time she jumped and I groaned, turning over. "Mamaaaa," she dragged out and jumped on me, starfishing across my body, looking up to the ceiling. I stayed silent and she huffed, getting up and turning to look at me with my eyes closed. "Can I please have chocolate pancakes?" she asked and I opened my eyes, seeing the four-year-old sitting up on top of me. "Pretty please?" she begged.

"What time is it, Tatiana?" I asked and looked over at my digital clock. 6:02 am.

"I don't know, my teacher hasn't taught me 'time' yet." she deadpanned and I sighed, covering my eyes with my hand.

"Okay," I spoke unwillingly, not wanting to let her go hungry and Tatiana beamed.

"Thank you!" she jumped off of me and ran out of the room, leaving me to get up. 

"How is this child even hungry this early?" I mumbled to myself as I threw a jumper on, to go with my tracksuits. I shuffled into the kitchen, my eyes barely open and Tatiana was sitting in front of the tv. She was watching bluely while drawing with her crayons. "Morning?" I questioned as to why she was up and she looked up at me, giving a small smile.

"Morning," she goes back to colouring and I was thrown back, how long has she been up? I shook my head to get out of my gaze and started walking to the kitchen, needing one thing. Coffee.

I ordered chocolate chip pancakes from the hotel kitchen since I had nothing to cook with, and made a quick coffee for myself.

I sat down on the couch with my coffee cup, watching Tatiana colour in a picture of a black horse and a small pony. Cute.

"When did you wake up?" I asked Tatiana and she shrugged, keeping her attention on her paper. I looked out the window to see it was still pitch black outside. "We leave for London tomorrow," I let her know and she nods, choosing another colour crayon.

"Okay," she hums and bites her lip, focussing on her drawings. I tilt my head, my eyes gazing over the different papers all with different drawings. I place my coffee cup aside and kneel on the floor next to her, picking up a piece of paper.

Her picture had 2 girls in it. "Who's this?" I asked and she lifted her head, looking over at what I was holding.

"That's me, and that's Rose," she smiles and points to the two blonde figures. 

"Wow, and this?" I pointed to another drawing that looked like Robbie.

"Robbie, you, me, and midnight," she pointed to the small puppy and I smiled. Missing my husband and dog dearly.

"That's lovely, thank you, bub," I kissed her forehead and rubbed her back as she smiled softly. A knock sounded at the door and Tatiana beamed, running to the door. The small girl opened the door and a man with a food cart smiled at her.

"Good morning, madame, did you order chocolate pancakes?" he asked kindly to Tatiana and she nodded with a wide smile, stepping aside for him to come through. "We have an assortment of topics, just for you," he leaned down to Tatiana, obviously this guy had a kid.

"Really?" she asked and he nodded.

"Someone told me you were a good girl lately," he played along and I chuckled, loving the interaction.

"Who!?" she giggled and he zipped up his lips, throwing the key to me. I playfully caught the imaginary key and ate it. Tatiana's eyes went wide and sighed in defeat, realizing there was no way to get the key now.

"Do you wish to know what they are?" he asked and the small girl's eyes lit up in excitement. 

"Yes!" she jumped and the man lifted a tray, showing a perfect stack of 3 thick chocolate chip pancakes, there was milk and white chocolate inside. There was whipped cream stacked up on top of some chocolate ice cream, sprinkles covering the whole surface. A bright red cherry stood at the top of the tower as the chocolate drizzle was poured down the sides.

 "Ого, выглядит вкусно." she exclaimed and the man nodded, not understanding. "Thank you so much!" she hugged the man quickly before taking the plate, sitting down at the table.

"Thank you, sir, you didn't have to," I smiled and he nodded.

"It was nothing, I'm glad she likes it," he answered and gave me my plate before heading back out of our room. I looked back at Tatiana to see chocolate topping smug all over her face while whipped cream covered her small hands.

"Oh, Tati," I chuckled and sat down next to her. She offered me some of hers with her mouth full and I waved no. "I have my own, thanks, little one," I declined and she nodded, stuffing the food into her mouth.

I looked down at the meal in front of me and realised I didn't grab any cutlery. Oh, what the heck, I grabbed a chunk of whipped cream with my hands and pushed it into the little girl's face. She stopped her movements and opened her eyes, a surprised expression on her face.

She smirked and grabbed some whipped cream off of her pancake stack, slapping it across my cheek. I was gobsmacked at the little girl, oh game on Tat.

She giggled at my expression and I picked her up, swinging her up. "You'll pay for that one!" I laughed out as she wiggled out of my grip, running away from me with a contagious laugh. She took another hand full of cream and threw it at me, landing on my oversized t-shirt. I looked down and caught it before it fell to the ground and threw it back at her, landing in her hair.

Tatiana and I ran around the room, filling our lungs with laughter and giggles. Soon enough we both collapsed onto the couch, covered in food but not caring in the slightest. "Mama?" she asked after a few seconds and I hummed in question. "Bath?" she asked again and I sat up, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her in.

"Yes, vanna," I remembered from our first night together and I pushed myself up to walk to the bathroom. I turned on the warm water and Tatiana started to undress as I poured some bubble bath in. I decided to bring bubble bath with us since she loves it so much.

"Ooo, warm," Tatiana gets in and I smile, sitting down beside the tub.

"Good," I picked up a hairbrush and started to brush the small girl's hair.

"What is it like in London?" she asked and I hummed in thought.

"Cloudy, rainy, sunny, windy, it's so crazy because it always changes. It is full of life and the people are so kind and friendly. I've always wanted to live in London but never could. The city is so beautiful at night when there is nothing but warm lights and chimney smoke. I love to drink hot cocoa by the fire in a bundle of blankets, and to cook a tasty dinner after a long day's work." I describe and rub the 3 in one shampoo through her hair.

"It sounds wonderful," she whispers and I tilt my head.

"Wonderful is a big word for you," I rinse the shampoo from her hair and Tatiana nods.

"I heard you say it," she answers and I stop what I'm doing, giving her my full attention.

"You learn from me?" I asked and a small smile came to my lips. Tatiana nodded and I felt so lucky to have her in my life.

"Naw, Thank you," I kissed her forehead and Tatiana giggled.

She's too precious for this world.



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