Part 27- Dread

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Lizzie's POV

I quickly changed my clothes as I was due to go on stage with the whole cast in under 10 minutes, my hair and make-up already touched up. Tatiana stuck by my side as I ran around my room, and eventually down to the side of the stage.

"Can I come on with you again, Mama?" The girl asked and I shook my head with a small smile.

"No, you have to stay here," I returned and she started to whine.

"But it's sooo boring here, and I don't know anyone!" she protests and RDJ comes up beside me, walking onto the stage first as the others follow.

"Tatiana, you can't," I leaned down to her and she pouted, making me feel bad.

"Please mommy," she lets a tear out of her eyes, I felt my stomach drop as my name was called onstage. I sighed and swung her up to my body, balancing on my hip as I walked onto the stage, my fans cheering kindly.

I sat down on my chair and Tatiana sat on my lap, as the interviewer started to thank everyone for coming.

This session was booked for an hour, and it felt even longer than that. We all got asked questions by both the interviewer and the fans, and our translator beside us helped with the language barrier.

"Можно вопрос ребенку?" (May I ask the child a question?) The translator listened to the man before turning to me and translating the speech.

"He wants to ask Tatiana a question,"

"Oh, what is it?" I asked the translator and she asked the man.

"Каково быть дочерью Олсена?" (What is it like being the daughter of an Olsen?)

"Я не знаю, это похоже на то, чего у меня никогда не было," (I don't know, it's like something I have never had) Tatiana answered instantly and I was confused at what the question was as the translator was invested in her answer.

"Чего у тебя раньше не было?" (What did you not have before?) He asked and I turned to someone off stage, asking for a translator.

"Любовь, безопасность, счастье," (Love, safety, happiness) Tatiana spoke again and someone gave me an earpiece, the English translation spoken to me quickly. The audience went quiet as I listened to the question. I grew anxious as I listened to the translation and I hugged my child tight.

"Please no more questions for her, she is only up here because she hates to be away from me," I spoke into the microphone and the translator spoke to the audience.

Aaron, who sat next to me, held one of my hands in his, checking if I was alright. I nodded appreciatively and the question continued.

After 20 minutes or so, the comfortable silence of only the cast and questioners speaking, came to an end when a screaming woman came running down the audience. Tatiana tensed up at the loud noise and I searched to as where it was coming from.

I got a clear view of the woman and the small 4-year-old started to breathe heavily, and turned around to me with tears streaming down her cheeks, she buries her head in my shoulder as she started to hyperventilate. Security contained her but she was still yelling with tears in her eyes, I didn't understand her but I thought I heard her say... was she saying Tatiana's name?

The audience gasped at something she said and I looked down at the shaking child that was clutching to my body as if her life depended on it.

"What is happening?" I asked and the translator in my ear.

"This woman is claiming that Tatiana is her granddaughter and that you..." she started and my heartbeat started to pound faster and faster.

"I what?!" I asked.

"That you kidnapped her," she continued and I felt my stomach drop.

"Верните моего ребенка!" (Give my child back!) she yells and I look down at Tatiana who was crying hysterically. I need to get out of here, I need to get her out of here.

I swiftly stood up and walked off stage, with Tatiana still attached in my arms. I kneeled down and forced her arms away from my neck. I rested my hand on her stomach as she gasped for air, trying to calm herself down.

"Tatiana, who was that?" I asked seriously and she shook her head, starting to cry even more than before. "Tatiana, tell me, who was that?"

"She- She's my babushka," she cries and I hang my head low as reality hits me hard. If she has living relatives, she can't be mine.

"I thought you had no one, baby," I stroked her head as my eyes started to brim with tears.

"I have only met her once, she lives here in Russia," she answers through sobs still and I hold in my tears, hoping I could hold it together enough to not break down in front of her.

All I can do is pull her into a hug, not trusting my voice to be sturdy enough. She cries onto my designer jacket but I couldn't even give a shit right now.

"I'm with you, Tatiana, it's okay," I lull her and I see some of the filming crew run in, but instantly stopped at the sight of us.

I pulled away from the hug, gave her a small smile, and wiped the stray tears away from her perfect porcelain face. "Please don't make me go with them," she pleaded and my breathe caught in my throat.

"You're not going anywhere, I promise," I speak with uncertainty but she seems to feel better as a smile comes to her face, before encasing me in a huge bear hug.

"Just over here," I hear voices around the corner and I stand up quickly, wiping my tears. 2 police officers come in with her grandmother behind them.

"Ma'am, is this your biological daughter?" one of the men ask and I don't answer, a bewildered state taking over. Aaron come off stage and stood between us all. "Miss? I need you to answer," he pushed, his accent ringing through the deadly silence.

"... no," I speak with a defeated tone, and Tatiana clutched her arms around one of my legs, as she looked up to the officers.

"I need you to come with me down to the police station," he gets out a notepad and starts writing something down.

"Why?" Aaron asked, stepping in front of me in a protective nature.

"To reunite this child with her family," he explains and tears escapes my eyes.

"No! Пожалуйста, она моя мать!" (Please, she is my mother!) Tatiana begged the men though tears, her sobs shattering my heart into a million pieces.

"Please come with me, otherwise we will use force," he insisted and I looked down at the child, her pleading eyes searching for comfort in mine.

"You can't take her!" I pulled back and they shook their heads. I locked eyes with the older woman and I swear I saw she had a small smirk plastered on her lips.

They shoved Aaron aside as the men towered over me, leaning down to pull the child from my leg. I held onto her as the men picked her up, her screams loud enough that the audience could hear.

Aaron stood behind me, tears were in his eyes as all my make-up ran down my face. I clutched onto his arm as they walked off, pushing me off of her.

If that wasn't enough, I was forced to my knees as handcuffs were placed on my wrists. Aaron tried to fight with the police but they weren't listening to a single word he had to offer.

Before I was pulled out of the room, I asked for Aaron to contact my family, and tell them what was happening.



A/N: ... um, sorry?

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