Part 15- Planes

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Lizzie's POV

"Good afternoon ma'am, would you care for something to drink?" A female flight attendant asked me kindly with a warm smile.

"two glasses of water please," I offer and she nods, turning to her cart.

"Here you are, enjoy the rest of your flight." she passes over the water, and I give one to the small girl.

"Thank you, miss," I answer and she walks down the aisle, repeating her words for the couple behind us. Tatiana gulps down the whole glass of water, her tiny hands clasped to the side of the drink. She wipes her mouth and places the glass down in front of her, on her serving tray. "Thirsty?" I ask and she half smiles, nodding lightly. I give her my glass of water and she smiles appreciably, drinking half.

The flight time is about and hour and a half, from LA to San Francisco, and toddlers don't usually do well with sitting still for so long. I pulled out a colouring book and a pack of crayons and gave it to the excited girl. Her eyes lit up and jumped in her seat, waiting for me to open the carton of colours. "Spasibo, Elizabeth," she quietly whispers as she opens the colouring book. 'Elizabeth'?

"Pozhaluysta," I replied and Tatiana's head snapped up, a surprised look on her face. "What? I thought it wouldn't hurt to understand you more," I laugh out and Tatiana wraps her arms around me, giving me a quick hug, but quickly went back to drawing as an instinct to pull away. I smiled at her softly while she concentrated on her colouring, slowly opening up again. 

 I find myself wondering what made her feel this way, what made her loose such a big amount of trust and confidence in me. I guess it's best if I don't ask... right?

I glance at my phone to check the time, when I notice Robbie texted me a couple of minutes ago. I open the messages app to see his text;

Hubby 💕😯:

Send me some words of encouragement

so I don't murder someone at work.


                                                                    There is no Netflix in prison.

Hubby 💕😯:

Thank you, Toby will live another day or two.


                                                                      What did Toby do?

Hubby 💕😯:

He got me sugar free chocolate.



                                                                            How dare he!

Hubby 💕😯:

I know, he even misplaced Betsy. 

Now I'm alone in the office 😟


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