Part 6- Shifting Plates

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Elizabeth's POV

"No!" Tatiana screamed and I chased her down the hallway with a top clutched tightly in my right hand.

"Tatiana!" I yelled after her and she giggled, running around the couch so I couldn't get to her. "Young lady, you get your cute little butt over here right now and put this top on or else I'll sell all of your toys!" I tried not to enjoy this moment but it was too special, so a small smile escaped my lips.

She sighed and walked over to the fireplace, sitting down in front of the warm ablaze, admitting defeat. I sat beside her and put the top down on the floor next to me, I watched how Tatiana admired the radiating warmth from the heat source. I held my hand over to Tatiana and she smiled, placing hers on top of mine. I grabbed her waist and pulled her into my lap, us both watching the fire crackle and grow, then flicker and shrink. "Can I please put your top on now, madame?" I asked and Tatiana laughed, nodding while putting her hands straight above her head.

"Thank you," she thanked me with her precious accent once I had pulled the shirt down, covering her torso.

"You're welcome, little one," I kissed the top of her head and hugged her close to me, leaning my chin on the top of her head as we sat and watched the fire again.

                                               ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── 

Over the next few weeks, Tatiana keep on going to Kindergarten and when she had days off she would come into work with me. Scarlett sometimes brang Rose in when she knew Tattie would be there and the two girls became quick friends, always up to some mischief with Arron and Tom. 

Tatiana loved living with me but I couldn't stop thinking about her real family, imagine how sick to their stomachs they would be with fear and worry. It's been 3 months since I found her in that car park and the police still have no leads on who her family is, apparently there were no filed missing person reports for Tatiana which was weird. 

Robbie still hasn't come back but I've seen him online, playing music with the band as always. He called a few days ago and said he would be back in a week, a week too long if you ask me.

Tatiana never was fond of Robbie, she always seemed distant towards him which I never knew the reasoning behind it. In fact, she never gets close to men. The only person she has even tried to interact with is Tom, huh, that's weird?

Right now I am folding clothing in the middle of the night, the tv quietly playing in the background as the fire crackled under the new piece of wood I just put in. The little monster is asleep right now, thank god, and I'm up to going over lines and folding washing of course. Gozilla was playing in the background since it just came out of the cinemas, and literally, every channel was playing it tonight.

I started to sing along quietly to part of a song that was stuck in my head for some reason. I have no idea what the song is called but you know how I can't control it. "And the walls kept tumbling down, in the city that we love," I nodded my head to the silent tune in my head as I picked a black shirt out of the basket, and pegged it up to the clothes rack.

"Breaking News," A voice came over the TV and my head snapped up to the reporter, red headlines running at the bottom of the screen. I furrowed my eyebrows together and picked up the remote to my left, turning it up slightly. "A level 6 earthquake is set to hit Los Angeles in less than 3 minutes. The sudden quake was just now-" I dropped the remote and ran out of the room, down the hall, and burst into Tatiana's room just in time as the quake hit. I yanked her out of bed and I held her to my body with just one arm, the other focusing on running to the kitchen.

Tatiana started crying in shock as everything started to shake violently, cups on the counters shattering to the floor. I dived underneath the dining table and held Tatiana to my chest, not letting go of her for any reason.

After ten seconds more, the shaking stopped and Tatiana's breathing started to steady out. Tatiana's head was buried into my chest, her arms clutching my figure tightly in fear. I looked down to see her eyes squeezed shut, tears falling down her tinted, soft cheeks.

"Tatiana?" I whispered to her and she lifted her head from my chest. Looking up at me with sad, tearful eyes.

"I- I'm s- scared," she tried to speak but she was gasping from crying.

"It's okay now, Tatty" I settled her gently by shushing and pulling her close to my body. It's normal in LA to get earthquakes, there is about 5 a year. I wonder why Tatiana appears to have never encountered one if she's lived here for her entire life. I haul myself out of thought and get out from underneath the dining table, Tatiana still clasped to my body like a koala. There are commonly aftershocks within the hour, how fun! Note the sarcasm.

"You're okay, babe," I whispered to the small girl and sat her on the kitchen bench. Tatiana pulled her head back and looked up to me with melancholy eyes, pleading for safety. "It's alright now," I gave a small smile and held her cheek with my warm hand. The small girl nodded and looked down at her hands, they were shaking. I picked up both of her hands and held them between mine, giving them a small squeeze, causing her to smile at me.

"Do you want to sleep in my bed tonight?" I asked, her eyes lit up with joy and she nodded vigorously.

"Yes!" she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs wrapped around my stomach, catching me in a bear hug. I laughed at her adorability and started to walk upstairs, making my way to my bedroom. I laid her down on the right side of the bed, and I did the same on the left.

"Goodnight, little one," I kissed her forehead and she smiled, pulling the blanket higher up to her.

"Goodnight, Mama," she closed her eyes and shifted to her side, my eyes went wide in shock and I froze for a second.

"What?" I questioned but she didn't move, her head still buried into the soft pillow. "Tatiana, what did you say?" I whispered but her eyes still were closed. "Tatiana!" I whisper-screamed but when she ignored me again and I rolled my eyes, turning off the lamp on my bedside table. I laid myself down into the soft, warm sheets, closing my eyes. I couldn't help but smile widely at the girl's words but soon discovered myself drifting off into deep, plunging slumber.



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