Part 3- A Day in my Life

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"That's all ma'am, thank you," the police officer took the stack of papers I had signed and I nodded, starting to walk out of the police station without the girl.

"No! No, no, no," I heard screaming behind me and I turned around to see Tatiana be picked up by 2 men. "Elizabeth!" she kicked the officers but it didn't do anything as they took her behind a door.

"Excuse me, where are they taking her?" I walked back up to the front desk and asked the officer.

"Into the back, so they can start comparing her with lost children claims," he gave me a friendly smile.

"And if you can't find her parents?" I asked him, worried for the wellbeing of the small girl.

"She would have to go into foster care until we do," I nodded with a worried expression glued to my face.

"Okay," I turned my back to walk off but was interrupted by me turning back around to face him. "But, if she doesn't have a carer can she please stay with me?" I asked the officer desperate.

"Uh, yep, if that is what you want then leave your contact details here," he gave me a blank piece of paper and a pen.

"Thank you, sir," I quickly wrote my name and phone number, giving it to him before finally walking out of the police station for good.

I had to work today so I went into the studio, getting there 30 minutes early. I sat in the make-up chair as Scarlet walked through the door a couple of minutes later.

"Hey Scar," I greeted her with a smile.

"Hey Liz, how's things?" she asked while sitting next to me in another make-up chair.

"As good as they can be I guess," I spoke with a slight pout.

"Oh hun, what's going on?" she put her hand on my knee, giving me a soft smile.

"Her name is Tatiana," I smiled at the name and Scarlet did too.

"That's really pretty," she commented and I nodded.

"She is at the police station now, they are going to try to find her parents," Tricia, my make-up person, starts to put a pretend cut on my forehead.

"Isn't that a good thing? Someone is probably worried sick about her," Scarlett sensed my down mood and tried to convince me it's the best thing to do.

"I guess, I just didn't think I would grow so attached to her in such a short time," I gave a soft smile and Scarlett squeezed my hand.

"Hey, there's my favourite girls!" Aaron walks through the door and I give a small chuckle.

"Also the only girls," I remark and he put a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt.

"You ready for the big battle against the mighty Avengers, sister?" he spoke with his accent and sat in a chair one down from Scarlett and me.

"I sure am, are you ready to faceplant a wall?" My hair was now being styled in loose curls.

"Oof, what is with you today, Liz?" He shook his head in disapproval and I laughed.

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"Ah Jr, you're gonna break your old man's heart," -RDJ / Tony Stark

"If I have to," -Ultron

"You don't have to break anything," -Hemsworth / Thor

"Clearly, you've never made an omelette," -Ultron

The Little Girl Left in the Dark (Elizabeth Olsen X daughter)Where stories live. Discover now