Part 16- San Francisco

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Tatiana and I got off the plane at San Francisco Airport at 1 pm. We got our bags quickly and evaded some paparazzi to get to our car.

"I'm hungry," Tatiana breaks the silence in the car, and I look forward to the driver.

"There is a MacDonald's just up here," he offers us and I nod.

"Do you want to go?" I ask and she nods with a small shy smile. 

"Can you please go there, sir?" I ask and he nods, taking the next exit off of the highway. We pull into the car park and Tatiana excitedly jumped out of the car, starved for lunch.

"What do you want?" I ask once we walk in and Tatiana runs up to the counter, looking at the menu at the top.

"I can't read it," she points and I smile.

"Do you want a happy meal? or nuggies?" I ask and Tatiana contemplates her decision.

"I've never had this before," she admits shyly and I nod, humming in acceptance. What child has never had MacDonald's!?

"I'll get you chicken and chips, okay?" I ask, referring to nuggets and fries. Tatiana nods with a big smile on her face. I go up to the counter and Tatiana follows behind me as I order. "Hi, can I please have one happy meal with nuggets and chips, and a small mc chicken meal?" I ask kindly as the boy behind the counter types my order in.

"Yep, and that will be $13.34 please," he asked and I handed over my card for him to tap. "Your order number is 1989," he handed back my card and a receipt and I thanked him politely before getting Tatiana and me a seat.

I put the receipt down on the table as I put my card back in my purse and Tatiana picked up the receipt. "O- or-d-er, H-appy M... m," she pointed to the word and I smiled, reading the word out for her slowly.

"Meal, M-e-a-l," I pointed to each letter and Tatiana nodded, continuing to read slowly. 

"1989!" A woman shouted out and Tatiana's head snapped up, recognising the number.

"Do you want to go get the food?" I asked and she smiled, hopping down from the seat and the lady gave her the brown paper bag. Tatiana didn't say anything and just ran back to the table. I put my hand up to thank the worker and she smiled, nodding.

"Thank you, Elizabeth," Tatiana smiled shyly as I opened her nuggets, giving them to her.

"You are very welcome, sweetie," I smiled and Tatiana tried a nugget, her face lighting up at the taste. She picked up another and started to eat it slowly with her tiny bites cutely. "Do you like it?" I ask and Tatiana nods with wide eyes. I laugh at the small girl in front of me as she tries a salty fry. I pick up my burger and Tatiana eyes it as I take a bite. I giggle and offer a piece of the chicken patty to her and she takes it, trying it.

"I like this place. Very much," she nods and I agree, continuing to eat. 

Tatiana asks me to open her pop top and I do so, giving it to her. She drinks a little of the apple juice and stares blankly at the bottle. "Tat, are you okay?" I ask and Tatiana places the Apple juice on the table, her mood diming. "What's wrong?" I ask and crouch down beside her chair. Tatiana hesitates to speak, not knowing if she should talk.

"My papa used to give us juice as a treat for being good," she whispers and my heart sinks. Is she sad because she wants to go back to them?

"I'm sorry, I know you miss them," I rub my hand up her arm and Tatiana shakes her head.

"I don't miss them," she counters and I go quiet, confused as to what she was telling me.

"Wha-" I go to ask but my phone rings, cutting me off and I stand up to answer it. "Hello?" I ask and my eyes stay on the little girl whose eyes are down in her lap.

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