Part 35- Double Trouble

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Lizzie's POV

Today is Good Friday, and it has been a busy day, to say the least. I had to take Tatiana to work this morning because she was suspended, I would have made Robbie look after her but he had a small concert on.

"Tatiana!" I call for the child, and moments later little feet come running into the living room to find me.

"Yes, mama?" She answers kindly and climbs onto the sofa to sit on my lap.

"Do you want to come to the airport with me to meet your Aunties, or stay here with dad?" I asked, combing her hair throw my fingers to neaten it up a bit. Tatiana's eyes grow wide and a smile burst out on her face, excitement presenting itself through her features.

"Yes! When do we go?" She asks, jumping up and down excitedly, I had to hold her back so she didn't fall off the sofa.

"Their plane lands in an hour, so in 20 minutes we will leave," I check my phone messages with the family group chat for the information

"Okay, I will go put on my prettiest dress!" she runs off to her room and I smile, she's too cute sometimes.

I switched on the tv, even though nothing was normally on Friday afternoons. Tatiana came out wearing a flowy white sundress with small hearts dotted around. 

"Oh look at you!" I jumped up and smiled, opening my arms for her to jump into

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"Oh look at you!" I jumped up and smiled, opening my arms for her to jump into. I lifted her off of the ground and balanced her on my hip as I leaned back to look at her fit.

"Can you please do my hair?" she asked kindly and I nodded.

"Of course, what would you like today, princess?" I complied and sat her down in front of the couch, where I sat behind her.

"I'm not a princess anymore!" Tatiana argued and I gave a questioning look.

"Well, then what are you?" I asked and she giggled.

"I'm a bumble bee," she threw her hands up in the air and I shook my head with a smile.

"Alright then, What would you like me to do for your hair today, bumble bee?" I went along with her and she smiled widely.

"Braids pweaseee," she begged with huge eyes and I nodded, starting to braid her hair up.

"Alright, off you go," I finished the braid and Tatiana stood up, running off with a smile to get her shoes. I slid my heeled boots on to go with my casual black jeans and a white tee. By the time I slid my sunglasses on top of my head and grabbed the keys, Tatiana was ready to go.

The car ride was short, with not much traffic luckily. I pulled out in front of the airport and parked the car, actively keeping an eye out for paparazzi. "How long until they get here?" Tatiana asked from the back seat as I texted my sisters from the car.

"Not too long, baby," I smiled reassuringly as the twins texted me.

MK: Plane Landed, we are grabbing our bags now.

Ash: Making our way out, can't wait to see you!

Lizard: Can't wait to see you both again xx

A few minutes pass until I look out the passenger seat window to see a swarm of camera flashes following 2 women out of the doors. I open the car door and tell Tatiana to stay in the car as I walk out to them. I squeeze through the crowd and some cameras are switched over to me. The twins see me and offer a small subtle smile, and I lead them back to my car. I get in the driver's seat,  Ash gets into the passenger's seat while MK joins Tatiana in the back. 

I drive off to avoid the flashes of white light, and the car is silent for a few seconds.

"Well, this is awkward," Tatiana speaks first with her heavy accent and we all laugh.

"Oh my god, you are so cute!" MK smiles kindly. "I'm Mary Kate, just encase you got confused,"

"Thank you, you are really pretty," The girl literally melted her heart and I stayed quiet, what a charmer she is.

"I wish I could hug you right now," Ash turns in her seat to look at Tatiana lovingly.

"How old are you, little one?" MK asks enthusiastically.

"Four!" Tatiana holds up five fingers and the twins giggle.

"That's five fingers, baby," I remind her and she looks at me confused, but then realizes and puts a finger down with a shy look.

"That's alright sis! She is just practising for when she does turn 5," Ash nudges my shoulder and I shake my head with a small smile.

"So Tatiana, we heard that you are getting a horse tomorrow," MK picks up the conversation and Tatiana's eyes go wide as she nods, practically jumping in her seat.

"Yes, I am so excited. I love horses," she confirms with her typical cute sunshine face that puts huge smiles on all of our faces.

"And I'm excited for you, can I come with you tomorrow?" MK asks kindly, whispering playfully that last question.

"Oh and me!" Ashley adds and the small girl nods.

"Yes, I want you to come with us tomorrow!" She answers, her innocence showing kindly.

The drive home was filled with laughter and games as expected since sometimes it feels as though MK is just a kid herself.

I pulled into our driveway and I saw Robbie just get out of his car, Tatiana noticing him also. "Mom! Dad's home!" She jumps out of her seat and opens the car door as she leaps onto the pavement, barely landing on her feet.

"Be careful, Tatiana!" I scold as the girl jumps into my husband's arms, Robbie swinging her around as she laughs uncontrollably. The sight brings an inevitable smile to my face as Ashely broke the silence.

"Wow, she really loves you guys," She comments and I turn my head to head, a blank expression.

"Yeah, she does." I nod, finally noticing the happiness I felt at that moment, my beautiful family all with me.

"She is so lovely, Liz," MK adds and I smile, nodding my head in gratitude.

"Thank you both, it's so good to see you both again," I reached for Ashley's hand and offered mine to MK, which she took without hesitation. They were truly my two best friends in life and not seeing them for this long was draining.

"Mama!" Tatiana broke my daze and I looked up to see Robbie at the front door with her, waiting for us.

"Coming!" I called and retracted my hands from the twins, turning the key in the ignition and getting out of the car.

"I'm soo hungry!" Tatiana dragged the 'so' out and I chuckled, offering my hand for her to take as we walked inside. I look back to make sure the twins were following and they weren't that far behind us.

I walked into the kitchen to see Robbie starting to make a salad and eggs with Avocado.

"Mama, what should I name the horse for tomorrow?" Tatiana pulls my attention and I sit her down at the dining table, then sit next to her.

"I don't know, how about Burger?" I ask and she giggles as the twins come to sit with us.

"That is such a silly name!" She shakes her head and I smirk.

"Bubbles?!" Ashley offers and Tatiana looks up in thought.

"I like небеса," she decides and I nod, a smile playing on my lips.

"And what does that translate to?" MK asks kindly, a little confused.

"Heaven," She answers.



(Why has this year gone so fast?)

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