Part 9- First Day

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Lizzie's POV

"How was class?" I ask Tatiana while looking into the rearview mirror to see her in the backseat of the car.

"I learn about emotion," she stuttered a little since emotion was a new word for her.

"That's amazing, tell me what you learnt," I stop at a red light and wait for it to go green.

"We learn to make 'mem- memory-driven tears'," she tried to recall the name and I nodded, smiling as I remember learning that all-throughout acting school.

"How did you go with it?" I asked curiously and took off at the green light.

"I cried," she nodded and I had a surprised expression on my face. Normally it takes more than one class to learn to cry.

"You got a tear, or you fully cried?" I questioned her calmly and she shrugged her shoulders, continuing to look out the window.

The car ride home was short and quiet, after all, it was late and she was probably tired. Tatiana has been in acting classes for 3 months now and she is enrolled in 3 classes to try to get her further, faster. I know, I know, she needs a childhood but she was the one that suggested it and her teachers even said if she did this, by now she should be up to 1 years worth of knowledge since they are also extending her in class.

Today was her last class before going into set to film her scenes and I couldn't be prouder. Today I put her down to only one class since she isn't in a race against time anymore, all I need to know now is, can she act?

                                               ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── 

Tatiana came into my room, jumping on my bed and yelling at me. "Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up!"

"Ugh," I groaned and covered my ears with my pillow, turning over to lay on my stomach.

"Mama, please get up," she sat on my back and I sighed in annoyance, Robbie, who was beside me turned over and closed his eyes.  He ended up coming back a few weeks ago and I've been avoiding him, so has he it turns out.

"Fineee," I threw my pillow across the room and rolled over, causing Tatiana to get off of me. I pushed myself out of bed and I clawed Tatiana from the sheets and balanced her on my hip.

"What do you want to eat, little one?" I asked while yawning, which Tatiana found funny for some reason.

"Hmm, rice bubble!" she called out as I sat her at one of the stools at the kitchen island. She's been trying a new cereal every week since she comes shopping with me, and so far, her favourite would have been the Nesquick Chocolate Balls. 

"Good choice," I poured them into an empty bowl and then poured the milk after, sliding the cereal over to her accompanied by a spoon. "You eat while I go get us clothing," I frizzed her hair a little while walking past and she giggled, taking a bite of food.

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