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silas winchester's mind was running wild, no thought staying in his head long enough for him to truly process. the only thing he could think was what the fuck did they do now? silas was no stranger to supernatural things happening, him and his brothers fought them, working to keep the world safer.

although he knew that some people didn't simply stay dead he had never witnessed what he was currently seeing. there were ghosts, but they didn't go around groaning and moaning, hoping to take a bite out of any living thing they could get their hands on.

so there stood silas, a shotgun clutched in his right hand and his machete strapped to his belt. he stood at the door of his hotel room, nobody seeming to give him any mind as they ran, screaming loudly in fear. the man fidgeted with the strap of his duffle bag, it resting on his back.

silas had been sitting back on a chair in his hotel room, downing a beer and watching some stupid cartoon on tv. he was quiet frankly enjoying the cartoon when the news popped, loudly announcing itself. "fuck this" silas has muttered in annoyance, taking a swig of his beer as a woman spoke frantically on the tv.

he wasn't paying attention, not giving a damn about what the lady on the news was speaking about. although he did perk up in interest when the lady mentioned 'people dying and coming back to life with cannibalistic tendencies'

at hearing that, silas wasted no time in standing up, tossing his beer aside as he began to pack his duffle bag up. he didn't have much, only a couple change of clothes and weapons.

silas rarely panicked, keeping his cool in nearly every situation. except this one made him nervous, his hands shaky as worry bloomed in his chest. why had he decided to take this stupid hunt on his own? silas wasn't sure but he knew for a fact he couldn't dwell on the thought for long, he had to figure out a way to beat those things down for good.

silas' thought got cut off as one of those things decided he would make a tasty meal, starting towards him with growls. not mamy people were left around by this point, and those left were as good as dead. his nose scrunched up, watching as the thing only got closed to him and he was quick to shoot it in the chest, watching as it only staggered back for a minute before continuing towards them.

silas cringed for a moment, taking the time to observe the walking corpse, it was noticeable that it used to be a woman, a chunk missing from her shoulder, where her hideous blue shirt was ripped. her walk was slow, feet dragging underneath her as she held her arms out, grasping the air for food.

in a moment of panic, silas raised his shotgun and fired again, watching as the bullet hit it's head, blowing a fraction of it off. that seemed to do the trick as it's body fell to the floor with a thud, it's groans coming to a stop.

silas watched it, making sure that it was truly dead, before he hummed to himself, reloading the shotgun as he made a run for his car, only having to shoot down two more of those things along the way, until he was finally in the comfiness of his car.

he flung his duffle bag in the back seat, placing his shotgun in the passenger seat as he took a moment to cure chuck and the angels, stupid fucking chuck and his stupider angels. silas angrily grit his teeth, he put the keys in the ignition, starting it and wasting no time in pulling out of the hotel's parking lot.

phone in one hand and wheel in the other, silas attempted to get signal, hoping that he would be able to call sam or dean. after minutes of attempting to get some signal, silas finally gave up, knowing it was no use, he groaned before placing his phone aside, finally paying attention to the road ahead of him.

immediately, silas' eyes zeroed down on a man standing in the middle of the road and silas was quick to step on the break. he winced as the car squealed loudly and his body roughly slammed into his seat. "oh shit" silas grumbled, watching as the man he nearly ran over stood motionless, mouth agape an eyes widened. he gripped a baseball bat tightly between both hands, holding it up halfway, very obviously startled.

"what the hell are you doing in the middle of the road? i nearly killed your dumbass" silas scoffed out, tone harsh as he stepped out of his car, keeping the door open and standing right beside it. out of his car, silas could see the man better and he noticed he was korean, a baseball cap placed over his dark and short hair, his eyes were soft and slightly teary.

"i, uh, there was a group of geeks chasing me" the man spoke fearfully, glancing around himself as if expecting those geeks to pounce on him any second now. "you know anywhere we can go to get away from all this?" silas asked, chewing on his lip as he watched the man think about it for a couple of seconds before replying.

"i've heard people are going to the highway, trying to get out of this hell hole" the man finally answered, watching as silas nodded his head before he huffed, beginning to get back with into his car. the korean man visibly sagged his shoulders, clearly thinking that silas would simply drive away and leave him there.

"let's get moving then, don't wanna sit around waiting for them." silas called out, flashing the man a grin as he perked up, speed walking to silas' car. the two got in, silas putting his shotgun in the back, earning himself a raised brow from the man, something that he ignored.

"thank you so much, i'm glenn" the man said, cheeks glowing red as he smiled at silas, who only hummed before speeding off in the direction of the highway that glenn spoke of.

words; 908

authors note;
chauuuu i rewrote this n i lowk loveee this version more, lol :)
changed the format aswell, i like how simple it is

metanoia   ,   daryl dixon   (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now