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silas and amy's little 'hangout' was abruptly cut short by the sudden sound of sirens. the two looked at each other in confusion before silas began to motion for her to walk out the tent, his sketchbook now shoved into his back pocket. as soon as amy stepped out, he followed after her and the two rushed toward the rv, which dale stood atop with binoculars raised to his eyes.

"hey dale, can you see what that is?" shane asked hurriedly, looking up at the older man, "talk go me, dale!" he urged, worridly looking to lori, who stood at his side. "i can't tell yet" dale answered back, sighing in frustration as the loud sound only got closer. "is it them? are they back?" asked amy, worridly looking up at dale before turning to silas, who brushed his arm against hers, hoping he could somehow bring the girl some comfort without being too obvious about it.

"i'll be damned" dale muttered, bringing the binoculars down and looking stunned, "what is it?" the blonde asked in worry, arms crossed across her chest, "a stolen car is my guess" the older man shrugged, and as he said that a red dodge challenger came into view, the loud and repetitive sound appearing to be the alarm of said car.

as the car came to a sudden stop the drivers door opened and glenn poked his head out, beaming at them all, "holy crap! turn that damn thing off!" dale exclaimed in worry, watching as glenn winced. "i don't know how to!" the younger man answered as shane stormed up to the car, "pop the hood, please. pop the damn hood, please." he spoke, immediately beginning to reach around for things as the hood was popped. in only one minute the alarm ceased and silas finally relaxed, his shoulders were no longer as tense as they were before.

"what's going on?" asked cass' tired voice, coming from silas' right. "glenn's back with a loud ass car" the winchester muttered back, glancing at cass, whose head was tilted in confusion. after a couple seconds the angel nodded softly, showing he understood.

as soon as glenn stepped back from the car any surged forward, grabbing onto his forearms, "andrea, is she okay? is she all right?" she worridly asked, "she's okay! she's okay!" the korean man spoke, trying to shake off her hard grip, "is she coming back?" the blonde asked worridly, seeing as glenn was the only one who had come back. "yes!" he replied frantically, trying not to make the girl more distressed than she already was.

"why isn't she with you? where is she? she's okay?" amy only kept worrying, frantically looking to an overwhelmed glenn for answers, "yes! everybody's fine. well, merle not so much" glenn rambled on, and by then silas had decided to join the pair hesitantly. amy only continued to freak out, still worried about andrea's well being. silas was hesitant in reassuring her, not being too sure on how to do so but he was stopped as shane spoke up.

"are you crazy, driving this wailing bastard up here? are you trying to draw every walker for miles?" the man questioned, walking up to glenn with anger evident on his face. "i think we're okay" dale chimed in, having climbed down from the rv to welcome glenn back. "you call being stupid okay?" the ex cop questioned, glaring at dale, "well, the alarm was echoing all over these hills. hard to pinpoint the source." the old man shrugged, earning a chuckle from silas, who wrapped his arm around glenn's shoulders. "didn't know you had it in you to steal a car" he smirked in amusement, watching as the wide smile returned to glenn's face. "got a cool car" he muttered, still staring at the car as if it would vanish.

the moment was cut short at the sound of tires approaching them, and silas saw a white truck moving toward them. he squinted, trying to make out who was driving it but he couldn't quite see due to the bright sun. as soon as the truck came to a stop, andrea climbed out, her arms wide open as she ran to amy. the younger blonde let out a sob, immediately running into her sisters arms, the two sisters were crying as they held onto each other tightly. morales' kids ran up to him, his wife a few paces behind and they all hugged, happy to see he was back.

"you are a welcome sight" dale chuckled, giving morales a short hug, "thought we had lost you folks for sure" he added, and silas sent a nod in morales' direction. "how'd y'all get out of there anyway?" shane questioned, stepping forward, hands planted firmlg on his hips. "new guy, he got us out" glenn added in, silas' arm was no longer around his shoulder and he now stood between cass and silas. "new guy?" shane asked, not having seen anybody else get out of the van. "yeah, crazy vato just got into town" morales chuckled, before turning his body to the van and calling out, "hey, helicopter boy! come say hello"

a man came out of the van, walking slowly with his head down. "the guy's a cop like you" morales added, glancing at shane, who looked to the other man in shock, taking a small step back as the man makes eye contact with him, his face also forming into shock. before anybody could say anything a small voice screamed out, "dad!" carl ran from lori's arms and towards the new man, a wide smile on his face as lori followed after him. everybody watched in shock as carl crashed into the man, taking him down onto his knees. both of them were crying as he kissed his head, standing once again to pull a shocked lori into his arms.

silas watched the reunion, the smallest of smiles on his face, but it faded as he saw shane, who didn't seem too happy to see the new man. shane was sporting a small and forced smile, his eyes dark as he looked at the family of three hug one another happily. lori and him made short eye contact, while the woman still hugged her husband, seemingly in disbelief at him still being alive.

words; 1056

authors note;
stop cause it took me so long to actually write this chapter and publish it like?? that's so hideous of me but anywaysss i've been in a writing mood lately lol
lmk if there's any mistakes cs im high as shit rn

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