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silas lazily plopped himself onto the desk inside of the new room they stood in, the kid that they took sitting impatiently in a chair after daryl shoved him down onto it. "those men you were with, we need to know where they went." rick said, moving so he stood in front of the boy, who huffed, "i ain't telling you nothing" he said, eyes darting between all of the men. his eyes lingered on silas a bit longer, who glared at him until he looked away.

"jesus, man. what the hell happened back there?" t-dog asked, stealing a glance at silas, who sat with glenn's backpack between his legs, fiddling through it for a snack. daryl sent a glare the kids way and threw his hands out in frustration. "i told you, this little turd and his douche bag friends came out of nowhere and jumped me and silas" at the sound of his name, silas looked up, "this shit head wouldn't stop screaming" he added, motioning with his hand to the kid.

"you're the ones who jumped me, putos, screaming about trying to find your brother like it's my damn fault." snapping out of it, silas finally glanced up at the mention of merle, "woah now, don't mix me in with that, ain't related to them" he said, shaking his head as daryl shot him a look, "they took glenn, could have taken merle too." he said, turning back to the kid as he snorted in amusement. "merle? what kind of hick name is that? i wouldn't name my dog merle." this pissed off daryl as he stepped forward to kick the kid, watching as he flinched back.

silas chuckled in amusement, beginning to open the kitkat bar that he had found in glenn's backpack, it laying right by merle's hand. rick pushed daryl to the back, and he immediately stormed up to silas, reopening glenn's backpack and beginning to rummage through it. "dude, personal space" silas muttered, scooting back so he wasn't so close to daryl, who ignored his words. instead he turned back to the kid, holding something in his hands, "want to see what happened to the last guy that pissed me off?" he asked, immediately throwing something at the kid, and it took silas a minute to realize he had thrown merle's hand, the kid screaming as he freaked out and tried to back away.

"start with the feet this time." daryl added, getting closer to the kid, whose eyes widened, looking around at them all in nervousness. rick began to step up, choosing to ignore what daryl had just done, "the men you were with took our friend. all we want to do is talk to them, see if we can work something out." rick stared down at the kid with the kindest smile he could muster, trying to make the kid less scared but it didn't seem to work well as he still looked at daryl cautiously.

words; 496

authors note;
superrr short but yeah guys um high asfk ngl my dispo doesn't hit as good snd hard as actual weed so i smoke both but i have no papers rn n we have no fucking apples or potatoes or something normal to smoke out of and i had to use a baby carrot😣 like wtf i felt so dumb doing it but it hit so its ight

metanoia   ,   daryl dixon   (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now