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after silas and cass washed their clothes, the two joined everybody else around a fire that had been made. the squirrel that silas had caught was cooked and being handed around on plates, bottles of water being given along with the plate. with an uneasy smile, silas sat down around the big fire, right next to cass and glenn, the hunter being in the middle of the two. he looked around at all of the unfamiliar faces, only knowing who shane and merle were.

"here you go" the same girl from before muttered, handing both glenn and silas their food and water, avoiding eye contact nervously. "thank you" silas and glenn said, glenn smiling at the girl widely, "i'm amy" she introduced herself, finally meeting their eyes as glenn introduced the two, and she nodded in acknowledgement before the moody blonde from earlier called her name, waving her over to hand out more of the food. the young girl immediately walked over, smiling at the newcomers once more.

"amy's nice" cass muttered, smiling at silas, "she helps me with things" he added, and this made silas happy as he eyed amy with respect. "that's good" he muttered, shooting cass a smile as he fiddled with his plate, looking around and waiting until everybody else had a plate. it took no time for everybody to get their plate of food and many immediately dug in, conversations being held between those around him as silas only ate in silence, eyeing everybody. mere minutes ago, he had been introduced to a kind older man, who was named dale. glenn had taken a liking to the older man, who sat on a chair with amy on one side of him and the other blonde to his other side.

"hey, you hunt?" shane's voice caused silas' head to snap up, seeing that he was talking to him, and many people quieted down, turning to listen to the two speak. "yeah" was all silas huffed out, scooping up some of the beans that had been served with his squirrel. "how'd ya learn?" asked merle, eyeing silas with distrust, his eyes mainly on the bow that was strapped to silas' back. "family business." he answered, being as vague as he could be, and merle snorted, shaking his head.

"family business, huh? my brother and i are hunters ourselves" he smirked, nudging a man that sat beside him, whose eyes had previously been watching silas, but quickly moved down to his boots at the attention now being on him, "name's merle dixon, this is daryl" silas hummed, trying to remember if he knew of any dixon's, when he couldn't think of any he realized they must have been normal hunters. "silas barnes" he nodded to merle, who only smirked, nodding as he went back to his food.

as the conversation between the two hunter's ended, shane spoke up again, the cogs turning in his head as he looked between to two. "maybe you can hunt with the dixon's, that way y'all can hopefully find more food" shane said, watching as silas and merle glanced to each other, eyes narrowed at one another before they both simultaneously shrugged, eliciting a huff from shane, before he began to whisper to a woman beside him, a kid cuddled against her leg.

the attention seemed to finally be off silas and he was grateful for it as he placed his now empty plate down, beginning to drink some of his water. from beside him, cass hummed to himself, having finished eating minutes before silas had. "hey" glenn muttered, nudging silas softly, "dale helped me set up a tent besides cass', we can share if that's okay, or you can share with cass" silas hummed, frowning as he thought about it. "i'll probably stay with cass" he answered, shooting cass a look, who had leaned forward to listen to what the two had been muttering about, a huge smile on his face.

"are we having a sleepover?" he asked, copying their hushed tones, as if he were sharing a secret, and silas softly snorted, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth. "yeah, definitely" he answered back, watching as cass grinned wider, "i wish we had snacks" he said then, frowning at glenn and silas before looking around, as if to ensure nobody was listening into their conversation. "do you guys have snacks?" he asked, tone even more hushed as half of his body was leaning over silas, so both him and glenn could hear him. "silas does" glenn blurted, pointing to silas, who scowled, it was his secret stash, not glenn's.

"alright, fuck you, rhee" he groaned, pushing glenn's head away as cass grinned, "great, this will be so fun!" was the last thing he whispered before he pulled away, a permanent smile etched onto his face as he already thought of the snacks he would eat.

words; 815

authors note;
ohmygod daryl😍 also, what the fuck im completely changing sm things and im just thinking abt how some comments won't even make sense

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