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later that night, the group had decided to welcome who they now knew as rick grimes. they all sat around a fire eating their meal together. people were obviously asking rick questions, being curious as to where he came from and what had happened to him. the man was currently explaining how it felt to wake up from his coma in the midst of an apocalypse with no idea as to what was going on.

"disoriented. i guess that comes closest. disoriented. fear, confusion... all those things but... disoriented comes closest." rick stared down at the floor, brows furrowed as he tried to put everything into words. "words can be meager things. sometimes they fall short." dale spoke softly, only getting a look of acknowledgement from rick before he continued. "i felt like i'd been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else. for a while i thought i was trapped in some coma dream, something i might not wake up from ever." carl, whose head currently laid on ricks lap spoke up, "mom said you died" the boy muttered, looking up at his dad with a small frown.

at his words, lori winced, looking down at her hands. "she had every reason to believe that. don't you ever doubt it." rick mumbled, smiling down at carl lovingly as he ran a hand through his son's hair, using his other arm to wrap around his wife. "when things started to get really bad, they told me at the hospital that they were gonna medevac you and the other patients to atlanta, and it never happened." shane spoke from his spot near the grimes family. the rest of the group had previously been told about how rick and shane were partners, they were basically brothers. by now, the conversation was starting to bore both silas and cass, who leaned against each other tiredly.

silas' attention was brought back to focus at a pretty loud sound coming from his right. he turned only to see it was ed, who was adding another log into the fire his little family circled around. "hey ed, you want to rethink that log?" shane asked, eyes narrowed on ed as everybody else quieted down. "it's cold, man" the bigger man spoke, trying to brush shane off with a shrug. "the cold don't change the rules, does it? keep our fires low, just embers so we can't be seen from a distance, right?"

ed was now ticked off, glaring at shane as his wife and daughter looked scared at the confrontation that was happening. silas sat on edge, eyes narrowed down at ed in an attempt to figure out what he would do next but the man only snapped back, "i said it's cold. you should mind your own business for once." ed said bitterly, only resulting in shane to stand up and approach him, "hey, ed... are you sure you want to have this conversation, man?" with a scoff, ed finally gave in and turned to carol with a glare.

"go on, pull the damn thing out. go on!" ed screamed to carol, only causing sophia to shrink further down, her eyes down cast. carol began to tentatively reach for the log but stopped as silas stood from where he sat abruptly. "hey ed, stop being a fucking pussy and get it out yourself" the winchester seethed, glaring down at the bigger man, who flushed red in anger. "stay out of it, dumbass" he grumbled out, only causing shane to stand in front of silas, "alright, calm down" he said, putting a hand onto silas' chest to push him back.

"man, don't fucking touch me" he muttered, shoving shane's hand away from himself before reaching his hand into the fire, pulling the log out and dropping it at shane's feet. "christ" the ex cop muttered, immediately stomping the flames out. silas had decided he had enough and stormed off in the direction of his tent, fuming at the fact that nobody else had stood up for carol and her daughter, he was furious at the fact that nobody gave a shit about how abusive ed was.

words; 691

authors note;
shorter chapter but yeah im super excited for daryl again, also fuck ed he sucks ass

metanoia   ,   daryl dixon   (rewriting)Where stories live. Discover now