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the next morning, silas woke up early, letting a tired cass sleep in longer. the tall man approached glenn and rick, the duo standing by and watcing as dale and jim took apart the beautiful car that they had stolen. "well, ain't that a shame" rick muttered, turning to a frowning glenn with a small wince. "look at 'em. vultures. yeah, go on, strip it clean." glenn huffed, crossing his arms over his chest, causing silas to chuckle from beside him, "generators need every drop of fuel they can get. got no power without it. sorry, glenn." dale spoke, sending glenn an apologetic look before continuing.

"thought i'd get to drive it at least a few more days." he sighed dejectedly as silas gave him a pat on his shoulder, "maybe we'll get to steal another one someday." rick added, looking at glenn, whose eyes visibly widened and a big smile graced his face at the thought. "hell yeah, and it'll be way more badass than this one" smirking, silas made eye contact with glenn before winking, meeting the eyes of an amused rick immediately afterwards.

after a while longer of standing around and watching dale and jim rip glenn's precious car apart, the two decided to sit down with cass and try to teach him how to play go fish, the easiest game out there; according to glenn. cass was slowly getting the hang of it, a small grin on his face as he seemed to be enjoying their game. a loud scream cut the moment short, the whole camp freezing for a second as they processed that the scream belonged to a kid. bolting out of his seat, silas threw his cards down, immediately running as fast as he could in the direction that the screams came from.

he was the first to get there, seeing carl, sophia, and morales' kids crying in freight. they appeared to be crying at the sight of a walker, it's rotten body bent over that of a deers. it's dead fingers pulled apart it's insides, not paying the others any mind, too distracted with his current meal to look up. "hey hey, stay behind me" silas muttered, coming to stand in front of the kids, feeling someones small hands grip the back of his shirt tightly. he didn't turn to find out who it was, only narrowing his eyes at the deer, eyes widening as he spotted the green bolt that stuck out of it's side.

a second later, a bunch of the group showed up, the kids immediately running into their mothers arms, lori tightly held onto carl, shooting silas a glare, which greatly confused the man. he paid it no mind as the walker began to look up, startled by all of the new noises that began to surround it. immediately, rick, shane, glenn, jim, and morales began to beat the walker with weapons that they held, dale was the one who finished the job by chopping it's head off with an axe, sporting a frown.

"it's the first one we've had up here. they never come this far up the mountain." the old man said, everyone now staring down at the walker in a mixture of surprise and disgust. "well, they're running out of food in the city." jim added, and immediately after they heard a rustle in the trees, accompanied by a branch snapping. they tensed up, raising their weapons once again. although they dropped them immediately as daryl walked out, a scowl on his face as he saw all the weapons being pointed at him.

his scowl only seemed to deepen as he caught sight of the deer, a chunk of it missing with a dead walked at it's side. "son of a bitch. that's my deer! look at it. all gnawed on by this filthy, disease-bearing, motherless poxy bastard!" the dixon grumbled, sending a swift and angry kick to the walkers body. "calm down, son. that's not helping." dale stared at daryl in mild concern, blinking wildly as daryl suddenly turned to him. "what do you know about it, old man? why don't you take that stupid hat and go back to 'on golden pond'?" silas had to hide his smile of amusement, bringing a hand up to cover it up.

"i've been tracking this deer for miles. gonna drag it back to camp, cook us up some venison." daryl crouched besides the deer and stated at it in deep thought, "what do you think? do you think we can cut around this chewed up part right here?" he used one of his hands to motion to the deer, surrounding the eaten part. "i would not risk that" shane said, rubbinh a hand over his hair as he made eye contact with a confused rick. daryl sighed in disappointment before standing, "that's a damn shame" he muttered to himself before holding up a string with squirrels attached to it, "i got some squirrel. about a dozen or so. that'll have to do." shane nodded as daryl went to walk away when the walker head suddenly started to move it's teeth, biting at the air.

"oh god." amy gagged in disgust as she backed up into andrea, who held her sister close. "come on, people. what the hell?" reloading his crossbow, daryl aimed at the head and shot it, looking at them all with a glare. "it's gotta be the brain. don't y'all know nothing?" as his and silas' eyes met, the taller of the two smirked in amusement at the mans antics, daryl breaking the eye contact and instead staring at the ground as he began to walk away and back into camp, everybody else following with nervous glances.

words; 954

authors note;
i've been having the strong urge to make new covers for all of my books but im superrr lazy and i remember last time i made them i took so long so i might do something very basic if i do remake them

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